Stay Home, Watch Horror: 5 Truly Scary Horror Movies You Should Stream This Week – Bloody Disgusting

From a scientific standpoint, horror is healthy. Studies have shown that getting scared releases a surge of adrenaline, followed by a feeling of relief- your brain signals the release of feel-good endorphins. Quick bursts of scare-induced stress on the body also boost the immune system. None of that even begins to cover the catharsis that horror tends to bring.

All of which to say, we love the rush of a well-earned scare. And right about now is a great time to be chasing the thrill of that rush, from the comfort and safety of your own home.

Last week we sought to uplift spirits with movies that tickled the funny bone, but this week were selecting films that aim for the jugular in terms of spine-chilling frights and atmosphere. Turn the lights down low, grab your scream snacks, and stream some of horrors scariest

Banshee Chapter Tubi

After her friends sudden disappearance, journalist Anne Roland discovers the strange and horrifying links between her friend, a government conspiracy involving a research drug, and an eerie radio broadcast of otherworldly origin. Drawing inspiration from actual government hallucinogenic drug experiments and H.P. Lovecrafts From Beyond, Blair Ericksons feature debut is as creepy as it is mysterious and engaging. Look forThe Silence of the Lambs Ted Levine to steal every scene hes in; but more than that, be ready for some great scares.

Ghost Stories Hulu

Based on Jeremy Dyson and Andy Nymans 2010 stage play of the same name,Ghost Stories is an anthology of sorts that handily succeeds at giving you goosebumps. Skeptic Phillip Goodman (Andy Nyman) specializes in debunking fraudulent psychics on TV. When hes given three unsolvable case files, he embarks on a journey that shakes his cynicism to its core. Dyson and Nyman understand how to get under your skin and deliver maximum jolts.

Grave Encounters Tubi/Vudu

A ghost-hunting reality TV crew get more than they bargained for when they explore an abandoned psychiatric hospital for their latest episode. The Vicious Brothers (Colin Minihan and Stuart Ortiz) take full advantage of the creepy setting and unleash serious, unending scares. More than typical haunted house fare, they take the narrative to mind-bending places.Grave Encountersmakes for one of the more substantial and memorable entries in found footage horror.

Terrified Shudder

The cinematic equivalent of enjoying a haunted attraction, Demin Rugnas feature is an onslaught of terror from beginning to end. Plot-wise, theres not much to it, nor is there a lot of explanation for those that prefer answers. Though that doesnt stop a cop on the cusp of retirement and a slew of paranormal experts from trying to get to the bottom of a series of bizarre activities plaguing a Buenos Aires neighborhood. With creative and innovative scares aplenty, Terrifiedis the type of horror film that lives up to its name; its freaking petrifying.

When a Stranger Calls Back Prime Video

Proving that theres way more to creating fear than ghosts, demons, and otherworldly beasts, this under-seen sequel delivers severe tension starting with one of horrors best openings of all time. If you havent seen the original film, thats okay; this stands on its own just fine. Jill Schoelen (The Stepfather,Cutting Class) stars as this outings babysitter, the target of an unseen stranger when left to care for two sleeping kids. While the first film delivered the iconic, The calls are coming from inside the house trope, this sequel takes it to some surprising and unnerving places.

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Stay Home, Watch Horror: 5 Truly Scary Horror Movies You Should Stream This Week - Bloody Disgusting

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