The six freakiest dolls in movie history that will haunt your dreams – Yahoo7 Be

Youre obviously wanting to know what the freakiest dolls in the history of scary movies are. Well, you're in the right place.

Here we count down to creepiest of the creepy for you and by the end youll definitely need to sleep with one eye open.

6. The Pit (1981) The Teddy

The Pit is a classic horror movie that will still scare the s**t out of you. Source: Amulet

This creepy teddy is Jamie Benjamins only friend. After he finds some other creepy creatures he calls Tra-la-logs in a pit which he then starts to feed raw meat to. However, Teddy then convinces him to start feeding people who have wronged him in the past, which he then does.

It's so creepy looking! Source: Amulet

A teddy convincing you to feed humans to other creepy creatures? Yup, dont mind us while we just crawl up in a ball completely scared out of our minds.

5.Living Doll: The Twilight Zone (1963) Talky Tina

Why would you want to sleep with a doll with a creepy smile like that?! Source: The Twilight Zone

Okay, so this one is from TV The Twilight Zone but its still creepy AF. In the episode Living Doll a mother buys her daughter Christie a wind-up doll called Talky Tina. That should have set off alarm bells right from the start.

Talky Tina would definitely haunt your dreams. Source: The Twilight Zone

In short, if youre not nice to Talky Tina you get the boot. She tortures Christies step-father after he was rude to her and the doll eventually kills the man. When the mother, Annabelle, finds her husband dead with the doll by his side Talky Tina shoots open her eyes saying: My name is Talky Tina and youd better be nice to me!

4. Dolly Dearest (1991) Dolly

A doll with a knife. Yup, we'll pass. Source: Patriot Pictures

A dolly named Dolly how original. In this thriller, Elliots daughter Jessica develops an unusually close bond with her doll, Dolly who is actually possessed by an evil spirit. The doll is able to control Jessica and sets terror on the household.

OMG. Source: Patriot Pictures

3. Childs Play (1988) Chucky

Oh, geez. Another doll with a knife?! Source: United Artists

Chucky is a doll which is cursed by a dying murderer with black magic. Karen then buys that particular doll for her son, Andy. During the film, Chucky kills Andys baby sitter which is when he realises the doll is cursed. However, no one believes him so Andy is institutionalised.

Ummmm what?! Source: United Artists

The only one that does believe Andy is his mother so she needs to convince police Chucky is cursed and murderous.

2. Annabelle: The Conjuring (2014) Annabelle

It just keeps getting worse and worse! Source: New Line Cinema

Annabelle is a prequel to The Conjuring film series and just too creepy for words to even describe.

Yup, thats right folks another haunted doll that is possessed by an evil murderous satanic spirit. The doll haunts a mother Mia and seeks to steal her baby, Leahs soul. In order to stop the evil presence someone must sacrifice their life while holding the doll.

Just look at her, definitely not getting a wink of sleep tonight.

Just imagine seeing this in your house! It's wet your pants scary. Source: New Line Cinema

RELATED: New Annabelle: Creation trailer will make your skin crawlRELATED: Ghost hijacks girls Snapchat filter

1. Annabelle: Creation (2017) - Annabelle

How inviting. A misty field with a creepy doll and girl. Source: New Line Cinema

Shes back, you cant get rid of her! The latest Annabelle instalment Annabelle: Creation is honestly the creepiest of the creepy.

This time the haunted doll has got her sights on haunting innocent little orphan girls! Its a full storm of terror which will leave a mark even on the bravest of people.

AHHHHH! Source: New Line Cinema

We hope you can sleep sound tonight after this!

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The six freakiest dolls in movie history that will haunt your dreams - Yahoo7 Be

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