The Walking Dead: 10 Times The Show Tried To Be Scary (But Ended Up Being Funny) – CBR – Comic Book Resources

There are only so many ways to depict characters being killed by zombies before things run the risk of veering into unintentional comedy territory.

One needs to have a capacity for dark humor if they want to find amusing moments in The Walking Dead. To the shows credit, there have been plenty of times where it has deliberately brought funny scenes forward, although it would be untrue for the series to claim that all of the comedy has been intentional.

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There are certain scenes that can make fans laugh even though theyre meant to be the exact opposite. This comes down to the failure of making the scary scenes as such, with the side effect being that they become funny instead. Some feature the walkers while others have to do with the main characters odd mannerisms.

Theres no doubt that Rick could be the scariest character in the series, but this scene had him ramp uphis viciousness to hammy levels. After beating up Pete, Rick saw the rest of the community surrounding him, clearly afraid.

The fight was much more brutal than most shown on The Walking Dead, intended to scare the viewer with the violence on display. All that gets forgotten due to Ricks rant, though, where he began chewing the scenery in such a way that his over-the-top mannerisms turn the whole scene intoaWalking Dead parody instead.

By this point, it became clear that Andrea was someone who had outlived their importance. The scene was supposed to show how horrific it was that Daryl was shot when Andrea mistook him for a walker, with the characters reacting appropriately.

Its still hard not to chuckle at the absurdity of this scene, especially how satisfied Andrea looked at hitting her target without realizing shed just shot a human. Her totalobliviousness in this situation was highlighted far more at this moment than the fear of losing Daryl.

Ethan tried to kill the Hilltops leader, Gregory, as he was told by Negan his brother would only be released if Ethan brought Gregorys head back. This was psychological horror at its finest but was overshadowed by the unintentional comedy that followed.

After Rick tried to stop Ethans intended killing of Gregory, the latter almost killed Rick himself before being distracted by Michonne. Capitalizing on this, Rick stabbed and killed Ethan, whose blood fell on him. Rather than be shaken by this, Rick instead looked at the others and nonchalantly asked what? as if killing guys was a normal day on the job. His completely stoic response retroactively made the entire scene seem silly.

One of the reasons why Negan is the best villain in the series is his ability to intimidate anyone. After capturing Eugene, Negan had him believe he might have made the decision to kill the latter.The scene even showed Negan entering the room in a foreboding manner and brandishing Lucille in Eugenes face.

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The tension in the room was palpable enough, only for Eugenes extreme cowardice to make things funny. He started kissing up to Negan to such a degree that its hard not to laugh at how pathetic Eugene was. Although the scene was supposed to show how scary Negan could be, the end result was the amusing way of Eugenes total submission.

While the killing of the walkers in Hershels barn is one of the series scariest episodes, theres a pretty funny exchange in the middle of it. Here, Shane started shooting all the walkers while Rick held one on a leash that Hershel had ordered him to.

In the midst of all this killing, Shane turned toward Rick and shot the walker he was holding. The way it flopped to the ground exposed how ridiculous Rick had looked the whole time and highlighted Shanes smarts. Not to mention how it unintentionally felt like an amusing way for Shane to one-up Rick.

Placing trust in Eugene was one of the worst decisions made by multiple characters in the series. Eugene himself made a bad decision to insult a guy who was clearly in the mood to kill him. In this scene, he admitted he had no clue how to end the zombie virus, making all the sacrifices Abraham did for him absolutely useless.

The scary quality here was how hopeless the future became for the characters, as it meant there was no way out of the apocalypse. However, it turned goofy when Abraham punched Eugene so hard the latter fell to the ground in moment that felt more like something out ofTom & Jerry than a gritty, mature series.

With zombies about to break through the door, and Merle handcuffed to a pipe, this was truly a heart-thumping moment that earned The Walking Dead its share of horror fans early on. And yet, its also funny in a way since T-Dogs cartoonish behavior caused Merle to remain trapped.

While attempting to free Merle, T-Dog tripped and the key fell into a grate. The funny part was how both characters stared at the key in slow motion, making it resemble something out of an animated movie. Although Merles cries added to the horror, T-Dogs Looney Tunes-esque stumble overshadowed it considerably.

Its not likely to find the Wolves name among the best secondary villains, as this faction petered out fairly quickly. Earlier on, however, they were built up as threatening antagonists, attacking Alexandria and successfully killing many.

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Their attempt to surround Morgan failed big time, as each member kept getting walloped despite Morgan trying not to kill them. It was supposed to be an intense scene where Morgans survival was in doubt, but it came across as funny since Morgan kept whacking every wolf member with such ease that the faction itself was made to look like a joke.

On paper, this sounds like a really horrifying scene, as Gabriel was swarmed by zombies who were inches away from devouring him. The music was also far more terrifying than usual, which should have been a set up for a scary moment, but Gabriels wimpy behavior made it all too funny.

For one thing, he had enough room to free himself, yet kept crying too much like a baby to actually use his head. For another, the other characters clear disregard for Gabriels weeping peppered this scene with a lot of black comedy.

Nobody will consider Spencers demise as one of the heartbreaking deaths in the series. Instead, Negan killing him turned out to be quite funny, even if it was unintentional. While it was pretty scary in theory Negan did slice Spencers guts the execution failed to impress.

Spencer even held his own innards and tried to put them back into his body, which is sure to make anyone with a dark sense of humor laugh out. Of course, theres also the irony in that Spencer metaphorically lacked guts, but it was the loss of his actual guts that killed him.

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Saim Cheeda is an entertainment writer covering all of Film, TV, Gaming and Books. He's been a writer for The Gamer, Screen Rant and CBR since 2017, contributing 100+ articles for a variety of topics. Saim also covers entertainment articles for Fansided.Apart from freelance writing, Saim is a lifestyle blogger, co-owning the blog 3 States Apart.

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The Walking Dead: 10 Times The Show Tried To Be Scary (But Ended Up Being Funny) - CBR - Comic Book Resources

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