10 Awful Films The Walking Dead Actors Want Us To Forget – WhatCulture

When The Walking Dead premiered on AMC in 2010, nobody could have anticipated the cultural juggernaut it would eventually become.

From a niche graphic novel series to TV's #1 cable drama with two spinoffs and a possible film trilogy, there's no denying the series has made an enormous impact on television. Characters like Rick Grimes, Michonne and Daryl Dixon have all become household names and so have the actors that play them.

The Walking Dead now has one of the most prolific casts on television but what were these actors up to before they landed their iconic roles? From big budget flops to no-budget sequels, these actors from The Walking Dead have a few regretful films among their credits.

Lucky for us, these roles will forever be immortalized thanks to the internet and IMDB, especially the ones they would rather us forget about.

Michael Rooker has one of the most recognizable faces and voices around today but before he was the one-handed badass Merle Dixon in The Walking Dead, he appeared in one or two questionable flicks.

One of those films was Super Capers, (renamed at some point to Super Capers: The Origins of Ed and the Missing Bullion) a supposed 'parody' on the 1960s/1970s b-superhero genre.

The film follows a wannabe superhero named Ed Gruberman who tries to stop the forces of evil despite being an average guy with no powers. The film's plot is reminiscent of Kick-Ass without any of the aspects that make Kick-Ass a great film.

Michael Rooker played a superhero named 'Dark Winged Vesper' who also doubled as the town's judge for reasons unknown. The film only received a limited release and eventually disappeared following distain from critics.

Michael Rooker later successfully dabbled in the superhero genre again as 'Yondu' in Guardians of the Galaxy and will be appearing as 'Savant' in James Gunn's 'The Suicide Squad.'

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10 Awful Films The Walking Dead Actors Want Us To Forget - WhatCulture

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