As a rule of war, new footage from the last ten episodes of The Walking Dead are released – Game News 24 – Game News 24

Carol is now back at home, but Maggie already has a place to pursue a trip.

Carol continues to search for adventure, but Maggie has already found them.

The Spanish version of the FOX channel (Fox, which broadcasts The Walking Dead in the country) distributed the latest footage from the final episodes. We dont know what episodes this shots were taken from. Hopefully, the first of a four-week period is the first.

In the final season, the protagonists of the Walkers would have to challenge the governors of the Commonwealth, who have occupied Alexandria, Hilltop and Oceanside. The main antagonists of the main characters will be Hornsby and the Milton family.

Thanks to an already announced spin-off we know that Maggie, Daryl, Carol, and Negan will survive Walking Dead. The main characters for the show havent yet been announced.

The last episodes of Walking Dead will air on October 2.

This is interesting.

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As a rule of war, new footage from the last ten episodes of The Walking Dead are released - Game News 24 - Game News 24

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