Callan McAuliffe talks The Walking Dead and future projects – Show Snob

We may know actor Callan McAuliffe as the ex-Savior turned hero Alden on The Walking Dead,but he has quite the acting repository. From roles in films such as The Great Gatsby, The Legend of Ben Hall, and Summer Night to his work in charities such asThe Unmentionables, his versatility is noteworthy.

While Aldens fate is still unknown on The Walking Deads final season, some things are a little more clear and concise especially his surprise and excitement at his name appearing during the opening credits.

I had the opportunity to speak with Mr. McAuliffe about his work on The Walking Dead and got a sneak peek at his upcoming projects.

Q: Your name is now in the main opening credits sequence. I was wondering how you feel about that?

A: Thats amazing, actually. It was some fan who drew my attention to that someone who shared it on Twitter. I wasnt aware that it hadnt been there already becauseI didnt fully comprehend the selection process for that. But I was pretty shocked to discover it was there anyway.

Everyone was wishing me well on Twitter. That was exciting.

I do my best to avoid watching myself, even if it comes to my name flashing on the screen. I didnt know what really went into the title cards. I understand it is a thing of seniority, I guess, or time on the show. Both Cooper and I were in the same region.

Q: Now I understand you probably cant give me a lot of information about the show and the upcoming season, but to the best of your ability, heading into this season, what direction did you hope to see Aldens path go, and do you think you can tease a little bit about what might be happening next?

A: Im trying to think of a way that I can that is even remotely interesting without revealing anything. Its one of those where if Id be starting bullshitting you, and then I think youd be conscious of it, and I think your readers will be conscious. It will be some copy and paste phrases like, Well, you can look forward to some exciting and scary stuff, which is about all I can reveal. Although what I can say is that these scripts have been outrageous in a way thatreally step it up a notch, is what Ill tell you.

Q: Alden has had some close calls on The Walking Dead,as you are well aware. What makes his current situation stand out from the previous ones?

A:I would say its the fact that hes alone. And I feel like so much of Alden is built around sort of companionship. Hes always been trying to be that collaborative, cooperative element, especially in places like Hilltop. Hes always looking out for other people.Now its just him. As much as he can hold his own ground, I wonder if hes as well-practiced at looking after himself as well as he is looking out for others.

Q: As you recall, Alden and Enid had a relationship for a short time until unfortunately she was killed off the show. Do you recall when you first found out about that? And were you surprised that they would be actually romantically involved?

A: I mean, I cant say that I was surprised. I dont know the world or the characters nearly so much as the people who are writing them. I suppose I dontnothing really surprises me anymore when comes to screenwriting. But I was surprised at her death. I thought, if its going to be one of the two of us, I should expect me to be the one to go given the respected relevance of our characters, but there you go.

Q: Your character has a justifiable hatred of Negan. Assuming that he doesnt know that Negan had actually killed Alpha who was, of course, responsible for Enids actual death do you think his opinion will change for Negan at all? He kind of gave him the revenge for him.

A: I suppose so, but I dont know bent Aldens mind is on revenge. I think Negans known less-than-savory past would I think register more with him just in terms of a moral thing that hes exhibited previously. That would register more with him than the potential for redemption, or revenge rather, that he might have taken on Alpha.

I imagine him giving him a sarcastic pat on the back for it. I dont think it will recover him in Aldens eyes because hes got something of a stubborn moral compass.I dont know how much room for nuance Alden has when it comes to decency.

Q: What has the overall experience been like during the filming of The Walking Dead? Im talking from when you first got on the show till about now?

A: I think the thing that stands out to me most is the contrast between the early the feeling of the first week or two than the feeling thereafter.For the first few weeks, I was conscious of entering a set, joining a program that had been going on for a near-decade.

These people are a well-oiled machine. They seemed a large enough family already, not that much need for another.

So I kind of step onto that step like, OhIm the newbie. I got some ground to cover. But they are so, they were so welcoming from the get-go. I pretty immediately, save for the opening nerves, felt like a part of the family.

Which I think is a remarkable thing for a show like that to do because they dont have to do that. Thats not even necessarily something that comes through on the screen. Its just theyre decent people. I was surprised that they, even after so long, continued to make an effort and treat everyone with respect and dignity, and I think thats a testament to the people behind the show.

Q: In between filming and your personal life, how do make time for your hobbies? I found out that you dabbled in writing, you play a lot of instruments youre involved in so many things, so how do you make time for all of this?

A:Its one of those jobs where you have a unique amount of free time. Its just unreliable free time because you know youre always on contract, on somebody elses schedule. But its free time nonetheless. ButI find myself trying my best to beat the procrastination demon and actually accomplish things thats where writing comes from.

It is a way to effectively use ones free time. But acting is also one of those rare jobs where doing random nonsense, accomplishing random things, andbeing a jack of all trades can actually benefit you because it can be sourced in character.

Its true I play a lot of instruments, but I wouldnt dare play them on stage with professional musicians. I have like a fireside confidence at all of these instruments. But those might one day form a character. The same goes for a lot of other skills I might develop. Its a disjointed life because your auditioning and bouncing between projects and dates are being thrown at you with seldom with very much warning.

Its very easy to just sit and twiddle your thumbs and drown in that temporal anxiety. But I think if you just got things that occupy your time, I think youre safer.

Q: What would you say is one of the biggest differences between filming a movie and a television show?

A:I suppose thats actually a nice segway from what I said earlier because thefilm is probably a much shorter shoot process, and usually, the dates are blocked out pretty reliably.For the most part, you have a set number of dates, a couple of weeks, a couple of months in this place, and then you know when youre finished, and you can kind of plan around it.

With a show like The Walking Dead, because theres so much material, so many actors, and you shoot for so long, youre never quite sure what your schedule is gonna be. In that sense, I would say thats the main difference.

The on-set experience is identical. Because alot of these people work, on both kinds of projects you know, the same equipment. WithThe Walking Dead, there is less an issue of time as much as there is an issue of things they have to shoot because theres so much.

It can seem a little gun-ho at times, but I love it. Provided its not reducing the quality, thats the ideal. These guys are out here getting things done in a few takes that some folks might take 20 to get the same quality. So I was impressed with that in that sense. Its a machine, like I said.

But yeah, its mostly the scheduling that makes it different.

Q: One of your upcoming projects is called The Duel. What can you tell us about this project?

A: So beyond that, theres not a lot that I can say other than the title is related to the story.

Its a project that I did with a couple of dear friends of mine that Im extremely excited about. It has some pretty remarkable people in it.

We shot it in Indiana.

Its set to come out at some point next year, I would assume. Im just an actor thats not my realm. But it is something that when I can talk more about it, I cant wait because its one of my favorite projects that Ive done, and it happens to be with friends. Thats the dream in this industry.

Q: Are there any other projects you have coming up that youre able to tell us about?

A: Yes, Im actually flying into LA tomorrow to go to a premiere for a film calledHim & Herstarring Cristina Spruell and me.

The following information was provided to Show Snob by Callans team:

Him & Her synopsis: inspired by true events in 1989, two strangers, a young woman in Detroit and a young man in Chicago, connect when their phone lines unexpectedly cross. Rather than hanging up, something sparks them to continue the conversation. Both are searching for meaning and answers in their own lives; they forge a connection that gives them each the will to transform whats been haunting them. With their lives going in different directions and long-distance an obstacle to a lasting commitment, they decide to meet in an unusual way for one day. The fleeting encounter will change their lives forever.

Perhaps what will make Him & Her stand out among all other films is that Callan and Cristina filmed the entire movie not knowing who the other actor was. The first time they found out was at the films premiere.

What do you think Aldens fate will be on The Walking Dead? Comment your answers below!

The Walking DeadSeason 11 returns February 20, 2022.

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Callan McAuliffe talks The Walking Dead and future projects - Show Snob

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