Fear The Walking Dead: Recapping 10 Most Important Plot Points Before Season 6 – Screen Rant

Its a habit of Fear the Walking Dead to bring in twists in the story based on things that either happened a little while back or had only recently taken place. For this reason, fans need to gear up on everything the show has portrayed before the latest season arrives.

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Since its going to be quite a bit of a wait for Season 6, its worth recapping the significant scenes and events that have taken place before. Its not just storylines from the fifth season that will come into play, as plot threads earlier than that can also be important.

Of course, you cant overlook exactly where the previous season left off in anticipation for the latest one. In this shows case, it was Morgan stranded after being shot by Virginia, a position where fans last saw him.

Having been left for dead with Walkers surrounding him, the hype is high among fans to see just how Morgan will survive this seemingly doomed situation. Theres also the matter of his word of Just live that is worth keeping in mind as it could be the theme for Season 6.

A whole lot of trials and tribulations took place for John to reunite with June, and even after that these two havent had the chance to settle down. While it doesnt seem like things will be peachy going forward, one does have to remember that this couple is married now.

This took place in the Season 5 finale no less, being one of the few heartwarming moments in the series overall with the ceremony taking place as all their friends watched in attendance. However, since the latest season will have most characters separated, the marriage of John and June is sure to be tested.

Yes, her death took place quite some time ago, but its because of Madisons demise that Alicia ended up becoming a hardened survivor. Seeing her development to where she is now and how she once was absolutely requires one to remember the moment Madison died.

However, another reason to revisit this scene would be the ambiguity behind it. After all, Madisons demise wasnt shown onscreen, which means theres a definite chance of her return and Season 6 just might be the time for it. So, its worth remembering this point just in case her return does come about.

There were multiple letters that Sherry left for her former husband, and Season 6 is set to bring her on the show in the flesh. However, the letter to remember here is the one John came across, where Sherry admitted she didnt want Dwight to find her.

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The reason why recapping this moment is important is for fans to brace themselves for a different Sherry than who was on The Walking Dead. This letter had her admitting that she felt Dwight would get her hurt because of her, so theres a chance a happy reunion wont be on the cards in the next season.

This is a scene that took place all the way back in the Season 4 premiere, although its absolutely essential by the beginning of the latest one. Thats because Morgan had been shown having completely lost hope by this point, with not even Rick being successful in convincing him.

This directly clashes with Morgan asking his friends to keep living in the Season 5 finale, which emphasizes his character development. In the next season, itll be interesting to see just how different Morgan has become from the fourth season premiere.

The final moments of the fourth season had the characters vow to help lost people in the apocalypse reach settlements and survive. Season 5s events might have made fans forget about this due to all the brutality, but its important to remember, as helping people is the whole point of the show at present.

In this scene, the group huddled together and contemplated heading to Alexandria to where Rick and company were, only for Morgan to point out that there are other people like the crazed Martha who need help. With this realization, the newly formed decides they need to stay where they are.

Late into the fifth season, Virginia and her group of Pioneers arrived to become the latest antagonists. However, her overall plans remain ambiguous as she hasnt killed off all the main characters, yet has been picking and choosing her victims.

The most important plot point to remember is of the documentary she had made to lure people into joining her group, putting on an act to gain followers. With Virginia separating everyone from the group into joining her many communities, and also leaving Morgan for dead, her larger plans are definitely something to keep note of.

This was a small moment that took place in the last few seconds of the episode, but it served as a turning point for Altheas characterization. Fans can expect a lot of personal storylines for her next season, and it comes down to this revelation.

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Here, Althea reunited with Alicia and Morgan, and gladly told them that her last name was Szewczyk-Przygocki. This had to do with theepisode's plot of revealing how she was responsible for her brother's death. This marked a change for how fans should perceive her.Most likely, her background will be delved into further in the future.

Its been confirmed that the helicopter group will form part of The Walking Dead: World Beyond, but Season 6 of this show just might feature their return. Their significance was seen in the episode where Althea encountered Isabelle, a person fromthis group.

Her last appearance had to do with lying to her people that she met anyone out there, with Althea doing the same with her friends. This scene wasnt expanded upon in the previous season, but Isabelle and the helicopter could be significant players in the future.

Much of Graces appearance in the previous season tackled the issue of her impending death. With every episode, her health was shown to deteriorate, only for the finale to deliver this shocker.

As it turned out, Grace wasnt dying at all and was actually pregnant. Considering the basis of her role on the show had been the arrival of her supposed demise, this revelation was one of the shocking twists on the show. Theres no doubt this will also affect her budding romance with Morgan.

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Saim Cheeda is an entertainment writer covering all of Film, TV, Gaming and Books. He's been a writer for Valnet since 2017, contributing 500+ articles for The Gamer, The Things, Game Rant, Comic Book Resources and Screen Rant. Apart from freelance writing, Saim is a lifestyle blogger, co-owning the blog 3 States Apart.http://3statesapart.com

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Fear The Walking Dead: Recapping 10 Most Important Plot Points Before Season 6 - Screen Rant

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