How to watch The Walking Dead universe in chronological order –

The Walking Dead spoilers follow.

If there's any show in the world that will never die, it's The Walking Dead and not just because it's full of zombies either. From humble beginnings, AMC's comic book adaptation has shuffled on in surprising ways, branching out with new spin-offs, webisodes, and even films like a particularly ravenous horde that's ready to consume everything in sight.

Each of these stories takes place within the same universe that was first inspired by Robert Kirkman's vision, and at certain points, these shows even cross over with each other. When you also take into account that some chapters were written as prequels designed to flesh out the origins of this apocalypse, it quickly becomes clear that The Walking Dead wasn't actually released in chronological order.

Are you a newbie who wants to dive right in or are you a purist who would like to rewatch The Walking Dead as a whole using the correct timeline? That's where we come in.

Join us here at Digital Spy as we reveal how to watch every Walking Dead show, web series, and film in chronological order. It's not as hard as you might think!

And while you're here, would you also like to check out the Star Wars timeline? Or what about the X-Men's movie order? If the MCU timeline is giving you trouble, we're here to help with that too.

1. Fear The Walking Dead: Season 1 (six episodes)

2. Fear The Walking Dead: Flight 462 (16 episodes)

3. Fear The Walking Dead: Season 2 (15 episodes)

4. Fear The Walking Dead: Passage web series (16 episodes)

5. Fear The Walking Dead: Season 3 (16 episodes)

Watch Fear the Walking Dead on Amazon Prime Video

6. The Walking Dead: Season 1 (six episodes)

7. The Walking Dead Webisodes: Torn Apart (six episodes)

8. The Walking Dead: Season 2 (13 episodes)

9. The Walking Dead: Cold Storage web series (four episodes)

10. The Walking Dead: Season 3 (16 episodes)

11. The Walking Dead: The Oath web series (three episodes)

12. The Walking Dead: Season 4 (16 episodes)

13. The Walking Dead: Season 5 (16 episodes)

14. The Walking Dead: Season 6 (16 episodes)

15. The Walking Dead: Season 7 (16 episodes)

Watch The Walking Dead on Disney+

16. The Walking Dead: Red Machete (six episodes)

17. The Walking Dead: Season 8 (16 episodes)

18. Fear The Walking Dead: Season 4 (16 episodes)

19. The Walking Dead: Season 9 (16 episodes)

20. Fear The Walking Dead: Season 5 (16 episodes)

21. The Walking Dead: Season 10 (22 episodes)

Watch The Walking Dead: World Beyond on Amazon Prime Video

22. The Walking Dead: World Beyond Season 1 (10 episodes)

23. The Walking Dead: World Beyond Season 2 (10 episodes)

24. Fear The Walking Dead: Season 6 (16 episodes)

25. The Walking Dead: Season 11 (24 episodes)

26. Fear The Walking Dead: Season 7 (Airing now)

In case you're wondering, Fear The Walking Dead had a huge time jump between seasons three and four, which is why they're so far apart in the timeline.

Don't you worry, when you've caught up with everything listed above, there's still so much more Walking Dead zombie goodness heading your way.

1.Tales of The Walking Dead (6 episodes 2022)

Tales of The Walking Dead will be an anthology show that jumps around the timeline, so individual episodes will appear sporadically throughout this piece once it starts to air.

2. Untitled Carol And Daryl Spin-off (2022)

This will take place after the events of The Walking Dead's final season, but no one has specified yet how far ahead exactly.

3. Untitled Rick Grimes Spin-off AKA The Walking Dead movie trilogy

Don't expect Rick Grimes to appear in our cinemas anytime soon though, but when he does, the first film will likely fill in that six-year gap between his abduction in The Walking Dead season nine and what's happening now in the franchise.

Just in case chronology isn't your thing, we've also included a guide to explain how fans can watch The Walking Dead universe unfold in order of release:

1. The Walking Dead (2010 2022)

2. The Walking Dead webisodes (2011 2013) including:

The Walking Dead: Torn Apart

The Walking Dead: Cold Storage

The Walking Dead: The Oath

3. Fear The Walking Dead (2015 Present)

4. Fear The Walking Dead: Flight 462 (2015 2016)

5. Fear The Walking Dead: Passage (2016 2017)

6. The Walking Dead: Red Machete (2017 2018)

7. The Walking Dead: World Beyond (2020 2021)

8. Tales of The Walking Dead (2022 TBC)

There are well over 300+ hours of grisly zombie content here for you to enjoy, and you better start now, because who knows how many more spin-offs and films will be announced in the coming years. The petition for a web series starring Daryl's dog begins here.

The Walking Dead season 11 airs on AMC in the US and STAR on Disney+ in the UK.

Fear the Walking Dead, and The Walking Dead: World Beyond are both available on Amazon Prime Video.

The Walking Dead - Season 10

The Walking Dead Season 1-8 boxset [DVD]


Fear the Walking Dead - Season 6

The Walking Dead: World Beyond - Season 1 (streaming)

The Walking Dead #193


The Walking Dead: Negan Pop! Vinyl Figure


The Walking Dead Volume 32


Risk - Walking Dead (Survival Edition)


The Walking Dead: Daryl Funko Pop! Vinyl Figure


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The Walking Dead Compendium Volume 4


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How to watch The Walking Dead universe in chronological order -

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