Nostradamus 2021 predictions: From world-ending Asteroids to the walking dead heres what to expect in 2021 – The Sun

FROM world-ending Asteroids to the walking dead, here's what to expect this year according to Nostradamus' 2021 predictions.

The French philosopher wrote 6338 prophecies covering a period reaching to the year 3797 and foresaw a very bleak outlook for the year ahead.


For this year, he predicted, "Few young people: half-dead to give a start," which according to Yearly-Horoscope means a zombie apocalypse.

The outlet interprets Nostradamus' writing as: "A Russian scientist will create a biological weapon and produce a virus that can turn humankind into zombies, and we will all be extinct in the near future."

"Sad concepts will come to harm each one, Temporal dignified, the Mass to succeed," Nostradamus wrote.

"Fathers andmothersdead of infinite sorrows, Women in mourning, the pestilent shemonster: The Great One to be no more, all the world to end."

According to the French mystic, great solar storms in 2021 will take place, which could cause major damage to Earth.

"We shall see the water rising and the earth falling under it," Nostradamus warns.

If that wasn't bad enough, the astrologer predicts a comet will hit the earth or come very close to striking our planet.

The event will cause earthquakes and other natural disasters, which he warns as, "In the sky, one see fire and a long trail of sparks."

NASA has announced that a huge asteroid could hit Earth in 2022.

Experts believe that asteroid 2009 JF1 measures around 130 meters in diameter - and believe its about the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.

Nostradamus also predicts the state of California will be destroyed by a massive earthquake next year.

Nostradamus wrote that a great earthquake will hit the New World (the western lands).

"The sloping park, great calamity, Through the Lands of the West and Lombardy The fire in the ship, plague, and captivity; Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn fading," he wrote.

Nostradamus appeared to have predicted the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, however he warns that the following year will be even more destructive and perhaps bring famine to the world.

"After great trouble for humanity, a greater one is prepared," Nostradamus wrote.

"The Great Mover renews the ages: / Rain, blood, milk, famine, steel, and plague, / Is the heavens fire seen, a long spark running."

The United Nations has warned that food insecurity will be an even bigger problem in 2021.



Born December 14, 1503, in Saint Rmy de Provence, France, Nostradamus was a famous physician, cabalist, pharmacist and astrologer.

He's best known for his book Les Prophties, which was first published in 1555.

His prophecies are expressed in verses, called quatrains.

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Many of Nostradamus' predictions, such as the rise to power of Adolf Hitler, World War II, the September 11 terrorist attack, the French Revolution and the development of the atomic bomb have turned out to be accurate.

According to Yearly-Horoscope, over 70 percent of his prophecies have been fulfilled so far.

The French astrologer died on July 2, 1566, however his prophecies have continued to amaze those who follow his work.


Nostradamus 2021 predictions: From world-ending Asteroids to the walking dead heres what to expect in 2021 - The Sun

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