Remembering That Disturbing Love Scene On The Walking Dead (You Know The One) – /Film

Negan's big love scene with the zombie-flesh-wearing Alpha begins without a hint of romance. He's sitting on a tree trunk, cutting bark from it, when Alpha walks up on him in her zombie mask with another guy. Alpha simply says, "You," to Negan and keeps walking. Even he doesn't know what to expect as he follows her, though he suspects he might be in trouble. "Looks like Mom's mad at me," he says.

Alpha leads Negan into the woods, but actually, he's walking in front of her, which leaves him in a vulnerable position, with his back to her. Throughout the scene, Alpha never removes her mask, and although Morton is a famous actress in her own right, we never see her face. We just see her piercing blue eyes through the zombie mask, with its long blond hair. In a Southern-fried accent, she gives terse commands like "Keep walking" and "Eyes front" as Negan looks back over his shoulder.

It's campy as all get-out, but also a bit scary. Keep in mind, Hannibal Lecter also wore people's faces, and he was a cannibal. Negan isn't the nervous type, but he admits he's "not good with long, uncomfortable silences," and this one happens to be exacerbated by the fact that Alpha is scooting along behind him with her hand on her knife, not saying much.

"This feels like some sort of fraternity initiation," Negan observes. "Is that what this is? Am I going to get my skin suit and finally get to learn the secret Whisperer handshake?"

"Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" teaches us that Austrians say goodbye by kissing, and apparently "the secret Whisperer" handshake involves disrobing and embracing for some kinky roleplay as a zombie during outdoor sex.

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Remembering That Disturbing Love Scene On The Walking Dead (You Know The One) - /Film

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