The most divisive season of The Walking Dead, according to fans – Looper

Over on Reddit, user u/purvanc believes The Walking Deadseason 4 is overrated because "that flu storyline was so s*****." Redditor u/1random_redditor agreed that the flu arc wasn't very good, also pointing to a handful of episodes that they felt added little value to the season overall: the two "Governor flashback episodes, and that Daryl and Beth episode." Overall,many of the season 4 haters referenced the sickness storyline as the downfall when they offered their thoughts aboutTWD's most overrated season.

The season 4 lovers, on the other hand, tended to go into more detail defending why they believe it's the most underrated season of the show.

"Underrated: 4 a nearly perfect season in plot and character development,"posted user u/hunta-gathera. "If it wasn't for the Gov stand alone episodes (one would have worked, two is unnecessary, especially since the character did not end up actually developing in a meaningful way)I think it would be a perfect season otherwise."

Added u/stregosim, "Season 4 simply has two of the very most iconic twd moments: Rick's speech and hershel's smile just before the governor chops his head off + rick biting joe's neck. Plus I really liked all the storylines."

Whether they hate it or love it, season 4 of The Walking Dead has clearly had a big impact on the fandom.

Read more here:
The most divisive season of The Walking Dead, according to fans - Looper

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