The Walking Dead: 10 Best Marksmen (In The Comics) | CBR – CBR – Comic Book Resources

One of the surest ways to survive a zombie apocalypse is to be skilled with long-range weaponry, as was the case with these TWD comic characters.

With a series as bleak and violent as The Walking Dead, the characters in that world need to know their way around a gun.That skill can be the difference between surviving a roamer encounter and ending up another causality. Surprisingly, and refreshingly, not every character knew how to shoot well, making for more well-rounded characters.

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Some of the stronger characters in the series also preferred using melee combat over the use of a gun, be it Michonne or Negan. It leaves a few surprise entrants when it comes to firearm prowess.

Being a marksman isn't the first thingmost people think when it comes to Maggie. However, she was underrated with a weapon in her hands. There have been far better fighters such as Tyreese or Negan, yet, most of them preferred melee combat as opposed to a gun especially Tyreese, who was a notably awful shot.

Maggie's most notable kill was when she shot up Thomas Richards in the prison, helping establish that she wasn't going to be a helpless survivor that always needed protecting.

The Governor wasn't just a man who hid behind his forces. He could hold his own in combat, preferring a gun over anything else. The sheer insanity of his character and the army at his disposal masks that fact a bit.

He's noted for killing a good deal of survivors during his combat with Rick's group, from Tyreese to Alice to a pleading Hershel. The only character who ever got the upper hand on him in combat is Michonne,though most people would end up losing a duel with her.

Aaron is more known for being a Glenn type, a guy who could sneak around undetected and find supplies for the group. While that is certainly his strength, he was a good shot as well.

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He played a role in defeating the Saviors and an even larger one when dealing with the Whisperers, his talents with a gun progressively getting better. His crowning accomplishment is shooting Beta in the chest. It may not have been from a great distance, but it was a satisfying kill, especially as Jesus's life hung in the balance.

For how young he was, it's often understated how good Carl was with a firearm. In most stories, he'd always be hidden away during battles, making sure he was always safe. Carl never needed that, getting his first kill very early in the series when he shot Shane in the head, and he only continued to get better with a gun in his hands.

Considering he was Rick's kid and Andrea became his step-mom, it should come as no surprise as both of them were some of the best shots in the series.

Ifthe discussion was talking about all-around combatant, Jesus would likely be at the very top of the heap. His skills in hand to hand combat are unmatched as he managed to take down both Michonne and Abraham with his lightning-quick reflexes.

His gun skills weren't anything to snuff at either, though they did noticeably pale in comparison to what he could do with his hands. He always preferred taking things out up close and personal.

It's hard to gauge Mercer's capabilities with a weapon as well as most as he only showed up in the final storyline of The Walking Dead as part of the Commonwealth. He's a former member of the military and now part of the militia under Pamela's rule, even working as her bodyguard.

There are glimpses of his talents when dealing with a herd, but not much more than that. However, given his background, it's easy to believe he'd be in the upper echelon of characters in firearm skill.

From his introduction onward, Abraham was seen as an enforcer, the type of muscle anyone would be happy to have around. He could handle himself with any type of weapon, be it a gun, machete, or even his bare hands.

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He's up there with Jesus and Michonne as far as skilled combatants. It should be no surprise that he was a crack shot with a gun as well. He managed to pick off Carlos from the Scavengers with ease and was never above brutally taking out a foe as he did with the Hunters.

As a former police officer, Rick's ability with a gun is no surprise. He was trained to use it as a weapon of peace, skills only becoming more hardened in the new zombie-infested world. His kill count puts him near the top of the list. He's always been a leader who wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty.

He was always willing to do what he asked of others, and in the world of The Walking Dead, that meant killing lots of zombies as well as people. More than just about any other character, Rick's preferred method was shooting others in the back of the head.

Dwight most resembles Daryl, the fan-favorite from the TV show, due to his use of a crossbow. He uses the weapon quite effectively against roamers, showing his knack for ranged combat. These talents are on full display in both the Whisperer War and while he was on Negan's side during that battle.

He helps repel the hoard sent to destroy them in Alexandria, even taking charge of the situation in spots. He's most known for being the one who took down Abraham with a bolt through the eye.

No one comes close to Andrea as far as shooting goes. She was the sniper of the group, picking off zombies and humans alike from a distance with ease. It's why her kill count was as high as it was, even dwarfing Rick's despite not having lasted as long in the series.

Her skills with a gun were often a source of pride, something she held over Tyreese in the early part of the series. She was indiscriminate about it as well, often being the one who put down zombified versions of her friends.

NEXT: The Walking Dead: The Main Characters, Ranked By Kills (In The Comics)

Next Every Member Of The Original X-Factor, Ranked

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