The Walking Dead: 10 Things That Happened In Season 1 That You Completely Forgot About – Screen Rant

Way back in 2010, a little show called The Walking Dead debuted on AMC. And since then, it has captivated viewers with the emotional storylines, intense battle scenes, and mesmerizing special effects and make-up work. Only two original cast members remain on the series today, Daryl and Carol, with others having died, disappeared, or moved on to spin-off projects.

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And while we think of the crew today as a fierce group of men, women, and even children, fighting off human threats and walking undead, in the beginning, they didn't really know what they were doing and had to learn along the way.While there are some pivotal moments in season one, there are probably a few things you totally forgot about.

In the pilot episode of the series, the threat posed by the walkers was immediate when Rick ended up trapped in a tank. This is while he was searching for Carl and Lori, unaware that they had already set up camp with other survivors, including Rick's partner and best friend Shane.

Of course, one moment we will never forget about that tank trap is that Glenn is the heroic young boy who swept in and saved Rick fromalmost certain death.

Remember when Merle was left handcuffed to the roof in an effort to stop attracting walkers? It was one of Rick's first difficult decisions to make in this new world. As you recall, Merle eventually managed to escape by sawing his own hand off and running.

This is the event that set Merle off on a bad path where he joined the Governor, got a hook for an arm, and almost harmed his brother Daryl and old crew. He redeemed himself in the end, but that one rooftop scene set the stage for Rick to become a leader who could make tough decisions.

Years of pent up rage came bubbling to the surfacewhen Carol plunged a knife into her husband Ed after he was bitten by a walker and turned. We saw how verbally and physically abusive he was to her and possibly Sophia when he was alive. And she never had the courage to fight back until now.

Back then, Carol was a quiet, timid woman. But when Ed died, something was unleashed. She finally came into her own and became one of the most badass women on the show. And this moment when she finally released years of rage was a pivotal turning point.

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When Rick and the group locate the Center for Disease Control (CDC) facility in Atlanta and meet with Dr. Edwin Jenner, they realize that there is at least one person left who is trying to work on a cure.

But just before the building is about to self-detonate, Dr. Jenner drops a bomb on Rick by whispering something in his ear. Dr. Jenner knows he's about to die and he wants Rick to know something important. What was the secret? That everyone is infected and will turn once they die. It seems like common knowledge these days but back then, they had no idea.

The first-ever walker seen on The Walking Dead was that adorable little zombie girl. Rick saw the girl from behind as she walked away slowly. He tried to call her name and when she turned around, he saw that half of her face was missing and her eyes were strangely emotionless.

Nowadays, years have passed and walkers are much worse for wear. The walkers today have become infinitely grosser, especially as they age and their skin wastes away. This was our first real glimpse, however, at a freshly made, almost human-looking walker.

Remember Morgan's wife, Jenny? Somehow it seemed like in the beginning, walkers had some level of cognition. Jenny would constantly roam around her old house, even walking up to the door, peering into the peephole, and even trying to turn the knob. Morgan couldn't bring himself to kill her despite having a clear shot from his room numerous times.

Nowadays, walkers don't know how to do things like turn doorknobs and open latches. So either they have become dumber over time or Morgan's wife had some special zombie superpowers.

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Morgan was not only the first person Rick met after he awoke from his coma, but he was also the person to tell him what was going on. Morgan told Rick how if one of the undead bites you, you will die and become one of them.

He also told him he saw it happen with his own wife who continues to haunt them (again, something new walkers don't do). "One thing I do know," he told a shocked Rick, "don't you get bit."

Before Rick showed up, Shane didn't just strike up a relationship with Rick's wife Lori, he had also become a de facto leader of their group. That included Andrea and her sister Amy, Dale, Jim, Carol and her family, and the Morales.

Shane was back then the type of leader Rick eventually became. Maybe he was ahead of the curve? Nonetheless, he butts heads with Rick not only because Rick was back to be with Lori and Carl and had a softer leadership style, but also because the group seemed to respect him more.

A lot of viewers were confused when Daryl came upon Morales in a Saviors outpost. Who is this guy and why did he recognize him? Morales appeared in season one with his family as part of the group of survivors from Atlanta.

He was friends with Rick, Daryl, and everyone until the walker attack at their camp spooked him and he decided to go out on his own with his family. Turns out that years later, Morales lost his family and decided to join the Saviors.

Merle was the outspoken older brother of Daryl who constantly talked down to his brother. And while he was a fan-favorite character, we can't forget that he was also very racist. He had once gotten into an altercation with another fan-favorite character, T-Dog, which is what drove Rick to handcuff him to the rooftop.

Despite being hurt by Merle's words, T-Dog contemplated helping him. But then he accidentally dropped the key down a pipe. In an effort to try and keep Merle safe from the walkers as best he could given the situation, T-Dog chained the door shut and left Merle stranded.

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A professional writer and editor with 18+ years of experience, Christine, now a freelance writer/editor, is a self-professed TV fanatic with tastes that vary considerably from comedies to dramas, sci-fi, and more. She can usually be found binging a new show at night, coupled with a glass of red wine. With a long history writing in the field of consumer tech, she now also writes on topics from entertainment to parenting, lifestyle, marketing, and business. She resides in Toronto, Ontario in Canada with her husband and young son.

The Walking Dead: 10 Things That Happened In Season 1 That You Completely Forgot About - Screen Rant

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