The Walking Dead: 5 of Carols Best Scenes and 5 of her Worst – Undead Walking

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Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon, Melissa McBride as Carol Peletier The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 18 Photo Credit: Eli Ade/AMC

Carol Peletier (Melissa McBride) has been nothing short of a spectacular badass in every one of her The Walking Dead appearances. Carol has captivated fans across the globe with her remarkable reactions to danger and her warming approach to those nearest except for maybe Sam, alas! As one of the longest-serving characters on the show, we have all seen a true evolution of her character and have been beside her every step of the way.

Throughout the past 10 seasons of the show, we have seen pretty much every emotion from Carol. Her heart-breaking relationship with Ed, her mourning of Sophia (and Mika, Lizzie and Henry), numerous killings of some of the evilest characters on the show, and her loving relationship with Ezekiel. Seriously, the list goes on and on for this long-serving powerhouse. But as her story is still being written, I feel it is inevitable that we will continue to have shocks and surprises unlocked.

However, one thing that cannot be ignored is her relationship with Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus). What history this duo has! Currently, these two fan favorites arent in each others best books; that doesnt take away everything they have had and will continue to have during season 11 that will carry on into their new spin-off series. As loved as Carol is, she has had some questionable actions in some of her past scenes, but in all fairness, living in a broken and apocalyptic World would make you act different to survive.

Lets take a look at some of Carols best and worst scenes so far!

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The Walking Dead: 5 of Carols Best Scenes and 5 of her Worst - Undead Walking

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