‘The Walking Dead’: Predictions on who will die before the show ends – Insider

If Hershel (Kien Michael Spiller) is killed off "TWD," fans will be extremely upset. Josh Stringer/AMC

I'm nervous that Hershel hasn't been spotted on the set of "Isle of the Dead," but I'm holding out hope that the premise of that series is centered around Negan and Maggie teaming up to save Hershel from a kidnapper.

Toward the end of "TWD" comic, a grown-up Hershel becomes an antagonist and bully towards Carl. It's really a disservice not only to his character, but also the legacy of the grandfather he's named after and his father, Glenn.

I don't see a world where showrunner Angela Kang would allow a young Asian American actor to be killed off the series or unnecessarily become a villain. In April, Kang told Insider how much it meant for herself and the show's crew to be able to see themselves on TV.

"For a lot of us that work on the show, we've all talked with each other about watching TV and movies growing up and going, 'I didn't see anybody like myself,' and that sucks," Kang said. "So let's try to put more people that might be reflective of communities that don't get to see a lot of themselves on the screen."

I'm really pulling for Hershel and Judith (the children of two original show characters) to wind up together in a flash-forward at the show's end, a nod to Judith's brother, Carl, winding up with Carol's daughter, Sophia, at the comic's end.

See the rest here:
'The Walking Dead': Predictions on who will die before the show ends - Insider

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