The Walking Dead: Recap of Season Ten, We Are the End of the World – Undead Walking

We are the End of the World is the second episode of season ten of The Walking Dead. We learn the origin story of Alpha (Samantha Morton) and Beta (Ryan Hurst) and how they formed their pack of Whisperers.

This episode starts with a young Lydia and Alpha making their way alone in the world. They cover themselves in walkers guts to blend in and keep themselves protected. They take shelter in a hospital and meet an unnamed masked man.

We get flashbacks at how Alpha and Beta came to be at the beginning and a look at the present-day and how they handle their group called the Whisperers.

One very cool scene is the first fight scene the two of them share. They are a powerhouse together when they take down a small group of walkers. Alpha, only known as A at this time, shows B, the letter she gave him, how she cuts open the walkers and uses their guts and blood to blend in with the undead. She tells him there are only two types of people left in the world Ones brave enough to walk with the dead and everyone else.

Throughout the episode, you get the feeling that Beta is more ruthless than Alpha. He doesnt tolerate anyone not following the rules they have set up for the group. The pack of Whisperers they have gathered follow their rules and do not waver.

In the present, there are problems with two sisters, Frances and the one who will be named Gamma, for her loyalty to Alpha. Frances is the one who had to leave her child at the gates of Hilltop upon Alphas orders. This has taken an emotional toll on her, and she eventually attacks Alpha because of the loss of her child. Her sister kills her to protect the Alpha and garners favor with Alpha, who holds a ceremony dubbing her Gamma.

Beta finds out the Alpha lied to him about Lydia. She told him that she killed Lydia.

In the past, Alpha kills a walker, which sends Beta into a frenzy. Its obvious this walker was someone dear to him. Alpha tells him he needs to walk with her among the dead, but he doesnt want to leave the walker. She tells him he doesnt have to, and he proceeded to cut off his face, which is the skin mask Beta wears. She tells him, We are the end of the world.

Beta finds out the Alpha lied to him about killing Lydia. He finds she has been keeping a shrine to her daughter, and he is not pleased. She gets extremely emotional and tells him she couldnt kill her baby. Ultimately she destroys the shrine in an emotional rage.

Beta promises to keep the fact that Lydia is alive a secret from the rest. He then informs her their borders have been crossed. As they travel towards the border to teach their enemies, a lesson Alpha sees something that draws her out. And, just like the end of Lines We Cross, we are once again at the ravine where Alpha and Carol stare each other down.

The dynamic between these two characters is outstanding. Hurst and Morton did such an amazing job with these two.

We hope you enjoy our series of articles to recap each episode of season ten of The Walking Dead. This will be a count down to the AMC+ release date of February 21, when the first of the six bonus episodes releases. AMC will premiere this episode on February 28.

Originally posted here:
The Walking Dead: Recap of Season Ten, We Are the End of the World - Undead Walking

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