The Walking Dead Season 11: 5 things that could happen – Show Snob

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Cassady McClincy as Lydia, Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 15 Photo Credit: Jace Downs/AMC

As we anxiously await the additional six episodes of The Walking Dead Season 10 we can ponder what might happen when the final season airs. Season 10 wrapped up The Whisperer War well while leaving us twists like Maggies return and Connies survival. For now, these are just speculations as to what Season 11 could offer.From Negan and Maggie to The Commonwealth, here are five things that could happen on Season 11 of The Walking Dead.

Listed in no particular order, lets begin!

While obvious, there is no doubt that Negan and Maggie will have to meet yet again face to face only this time both are very changed people. While weve seen Negan change over the years from being a lone prisoner distraught from losing Lucille to the man who rose up and killed Alpha we havent seen what Maggie has been up to.

Is she going to regret her decision not to kill Negan when she had the chance or will she learn to accept that he is not the same man? Regardless of what happens, it should make for excellent dialogue and continual phenomenal acting from both Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Lauren Cohan.

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The Walking Dead Season 11: 5 things that could happen - Show Snob

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