The Walking Dead: World Beyond New Years resolutions Huck – Undead Walking

The Walking Dead: World Beyond debuted in 2020 and made an immediate impact on the mythology of the greater TWD Universe. After her stunning betrayal in the first season, Huck (Annet Mahendru) has alienated the people around her and shes about to learn what happened to the Campus Colony. If shes going to salvage this mess, she needs to set a few New Years resolutions.

Choose A Side

Before the apocalypse began, Huck was known to her Marine buddies by her real name, Jennifer Mallick, and she garnered respect from her unit because she always did what was right. In the end, what was right meant killing her entire unit because they were about to kill a group of civilians.

Huck doesnt know about Campus Colony yet, but she does know that her mother will do anything for CRM. When she learns what happened, Huck needs to make a decision. Will she continue to follow her mothers orders, or will she choose to fight for her friends? She needs to choose a side and stick with it.

Make Amends

Hucks betrayal was hard for Felix, who considered her a friend and ally. That she broke up Hope and Iris, knowing what they mean to him, is even worse. If she is going to make up for what happened, she needs to find a way to show Felix that she was only following orders. It wont be easy given that she killed Tony, framed Silas and put them at risk to complete her mission, but if she can help Felix reunite Hope and Iris then it would be a step in the right direction.

Make A Difference

A large part of making amends is making up for past mistakes. She cant do anything about Tony because hes already dead, but she can work to help Silas. She can also find a way to help Felix and Iris to find Hope.

Theres a very good chance that Huck will not stand for what happened to Campus Colony and if she wants to find a way to make up for what she has done, then she needs to do something that can stop CRM from hurting more people.

What do you think about these New Years resolutions? Do you have any other resolutions that Huck should make? Let us know in the comments!

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The Walking Dead: World Beyond New Years resolutions Huck - Undead Walking

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