The Walking Dead: World Beyond New Years resolutions Silas – Undead Walking

Hal Cumpston as Silas - The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 1, Episode 8 - Photo Credit: Zach Dilgard/AMC

The Walking Dead: World Beyond debuted in 2020 and made an immediate impact on the mythology of the greater TWD Universe. Silas (Hal Cumpston) was a loner at the start of the season, having lost his family under tragic circumstances at another colony. By the end of the season he found a new family unit he cared about, and he sacrificed himself to save them. Here are some New Years resolutions to help Silas survive in season 2.

Remember Youre Not Alone

Silas found people he cared about and he was willing to give himself up to the CRM soldiers to allow Elton and Percy escape. Even though Huck framed him and everyone (aside from Elton) believed that he killed Tony, Silas knows that these are people he cares about and he needs to remember that as he faces the unknown.

Keep An Eye Out

Its quite possible that Silas will end up wherever Hope and Dr. Bennett are being held. If thats the case, they may find ways to escape. Silas will learn a lot from his experience as a prisoner, and he should remember everything that he sees in case an opportunity to escape presents itself.

We already know that Will and his team escaped, so CRM isnt infallible. They have holes in their defenses. If he can pay attention to how things work around him, it might help him get out.

Dont Give Up

Things might look hopeless right now, but just because it looks bad doesnt mean that it is hopeless. While CRM seems to have their act together, Silas knows a lot about the outside world and how to defend himself. If he can keep his head up, there is hope that a rescue or escape is possible.

What do you think about these New Years resolutions? Do you have any other resolutions that Silas should make? Let us know in the comments!

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The Walking Dead: World Beyond New Years resolutions Silas - Undead Walking

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