The Walking Dead: You’ll Never Get 100% On This Michonne Quiz! – WhatCulture

Michonne is one of (if not the most) recognisable faces on The Walking Dead. Surviving a couple seasons on AMC's zombie drama is sometimes the best a character can get. Even the main characters on the show aren't safe at times, but now that The Walking Dead is approaching its final season, we can safely say which characters have shifted into the central focus of the series and Michonne is one of them.

Michonne has had the most remarkable journeys over the course of the series. She started out as a cold-blooded, sword-wielding warrior, untrustworthy of others and slowly became a friendly, but still fierce, community leader and mother. Michonne is so fundamental to The Walking Dead, some don't remember that she didn't appear until a little later into the series.

Can you correctly answer these trivia questions and pinpoint the moments that made Michonne our favourite zombie killer?

Answers at the end!

The Walking Dead: You'll Never Get 100% On This Michonne Quiz! - WhatCulture

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