Walking Dead Theory: The CRM Group Is The U.S. Government – Screen Rant

The CRM group (the people who took Rick Grimes) in Walking Dead season 9, could have been created from what was left of the U.S. government.

The CRM group could actually be what's left of the U.S. government in The Walking Dead universe. The mysterious organization, identified by a three-ring logo and their black helicopters, have had an ambiguous presence in both The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead. Both shows have offered a few clues about their motives, but have carefully avoided any huge reveals.

CRM's black helicopter has been making appearances since The Walking Dead season 8, but what it was doing and why was left unclear, but it was established in season 9 that Jadis (Polyanne McIntosh) had a mysterious connection to them. Apparently, she was expected to find people - who CRM labeled with A's and B's- so that they could be picked up by the helicopter and taken to an undisclosed location. In Rick's final episode, Jadis had him taken away by CRM. They reappeared in Fear the Walking Dead when Al (Maggie Grace) shared a short-lived romance with one of their members.

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It's been a few years since the CRM organization has been teased, but still viewers don't have a lot information regarding who these people are - though it has been confirmed that they are not the Commonwealth. So who are these people? It's possible that they are a partially rebuilt version of the U.S. government. Fear the Walking Dead chronicled the fall of the country in its early seasons, and though it's clear that the government is no longer in a position to protect the nation, it is possible that at least part of it survived.

Of course, the government had to be crippled by the zombie apocalypse, but surviving officials and members of the military could have banded together to restart the government under a new name. They'd be able to use the military's remaining resources to help make this happen. If this was indeed the case, it would provide a proper explanation for what exactly happened to the federal government, and it would make sense of how CRM has such impressive resources and technology. Furthermore, theCRMbeing the government fits with what thegroup is trying to be in The Walking Dead shows. On Fear the Walking Dead, they were trying to install a water filtration system to help restore important resources that were taken away by the apocalypse. CRM is trying to restore order, and if they are the government, this feels like something they would do. Also, their group is clearly meant to represent some form of governing body, as Walking Dead: World Beyond has confirmed that their name stands for Civic Republic Military.

What would this mean for The Walking Dead going forward, and when will the truth come out? Who they are is sure to be explored in both World Beyond and The Walking Dead movies with Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln). It could be explained that Rick was taken because CRM wanted to recruit capable survivors who could fill leadership positions. It may be part of their long-term plan to restore the country to its former glory.

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Nicholas Raymond is a staff features writer for Screen Rant. He has a degree in journalism from the University of Montevallo. He is the author of the psychological thriller and time travel novel, "A Man Against the World." Nicholas' love for telling stories is inspired by his love for film noir, westerns, superhero movies, classic films, foreign cinema, and wuxia. He also has interests in ancient history. His favorite actors are Tyrone Power, Charlton Heston, and Eleanor Parker. His favorite film is Casablanca, and his favorite director is Alfred Hitchcock. He can be reached by email at cnrmail@bellsouth.net and on Twitter at @cnraymond91.

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Walking Dead Theory: The CRM Group Is The U.S. Government - Screen Rant

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