Why Jon Bernthal Was Never The Same After The Walking Dead – Looper

Rick and Shane were the first roles to be cast for "The Walking Dead," and when Jon Bernthal went into his audition, he initially read for Rick's part. Bernthal said that despite reading for Rick, from very early in the casting process he "really wanted to play Shane."

Showrunner Frank Darabont warned Bernthal that "The Walking Dead" comics killed Shane off early in their run. That wasn't a big concern for Bernthal, who said, "I know it sounds cheesy, but I want to serve the story, and I always said Shane's got to go, and if that really services the story, then by all means, I'm down for that."

He was excited when Andrew Lincoln was cast as Rick. The two became best friends, and they still have a close relationship to this day. When it was time for Bernthal to leave the show, he said, "It's been the honor of my acting career to act alongside Andrew Lincoln." Luckily, it wasn't the last time the two got to be onscreen with each other.

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Why Jon Bernthal Was Never The Same After The Walking Dead - Looper

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