Sci-Fi Explosion: A Spooky Night of Horror Hilarity, Trivia, and Prizes with Warner Archive – Den of Geek

Ill be hosting the festivities once again, though the true star will be the Warner Archive titles that will be showcased in the show. Since 2009 the Warner Archive Collection has been bringing you titles from their incredible catalog to Blu-ray and DVD, manufactured on-demand. As a result, thousands of great titles from Warner Bros. have been made available on physical media for future generations to discover and love.

Of course, since this is the time of year in which we honor all things spoopy and spooky (and the distance between the two), horror films will be the primary focus this time around from some of Christopher Lees finest performances as Dracula to an overview of the Flintstones scariest adventures.

In other words, this is going to be a fun-packed show that will be an unmissable part of your Halloween season celebrations.

Featured segments will include:

Its going to be an evening of huge laughs and thrills, and one that you arent going to want to miss. It all takes place this Friday night, October 16th, at 8:30pm EDT on our Twitch channel. (Click here for the Facebook event). And be sure to pay close attention to the show for your opportunity to win products from the Warner Archive via trivia questions that Ill be asking in the Twitch chat.

Read more from the original source:
Sci-Fi Explosion: A Spooky Night of Horror Hilarity, Trivia, and Prizes with Warner Archive - Den of Geek

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