SHUT IN THEATER: Escapist sci-fi movies for scary times – Comics Beat

Theres a lot of very dark, grim science fiction movies out there. FromAlientoEx MachinatoInvasion of the Body Snatchers, it can be hard to find something that satisfies your tastes and keeps you cheerful right now. With that in mind, heres a list of ten escapist sci-fi movies and movie series to keep your spirits up right now.

10.The Martian

Okay, so The Martianhas its dark moments. But its ultimately a story about hope and scientific triumph against the odds, and it can be very funny at times. Thats all thanks to a shining, witty performance byMatt Damon. If youre interested in a realistic sci-fi movie thats still escapist sci-fi, this might be one of your best bets. Its also got the thrills youd expect from a sci-fi movie, and its one of the very best released in recent years.The Martianis available to view on Hulu with the Live TV add-on, and its also available to rent.

9.Muppets from Space

This film is pure escapist sci-fi magic. Most Muppet movies are cinematic gold, but they dont usually venture into science fiction, as fantasy was more their style. This is a deeply goofy movie, but its well worth a watch, especially now. It attempts to answer a question which perhaps didnt need an answerwhat exactly is Gonzo, anywaybut its still enjoyable.Muppets from Spaceis also genuinely heartwarming, as our favorite whatever finds the family he never knew. Its available on Vudu for free.

8. TheMen in Blackmovies

To be fair, all theMen in Blackmovies are not exactly high cinema, but theyre at the very least funny and goofy, and therefore, the perfect distraction right about now. Theres also something vaguely comforting about a universe where aliens live alongside us, even if they are in disguise. Maybe aliens wouldnt let coronavirus happen. At least, thats what I think whenever I consider that the Vulcans are supposed to show up this century. Wrong franchise? I dont really care at this point. TheMen in Blackmovies are available for rent.


Hear me out:the originalWestworlddoes have its spooky moments (its a Michael Crichton venture, after all), and it doesnt exactly have a happy ending, with the host robots consuming the park. But the concept is perfectly escapist sci-fi, even if the conclusion is not (its also entirely different from the often baffling series). It has its fair share of amusing moments and a lot of interesting action sequences. While its not the film to watch if youre completely down on humanitys future, it still has its moments. Give it a try, especially if you have a big projector. Westworldis available for rent.


This is a movie all about the power of dreams, which we could use more of these days.Inceptionalso still has some of the best cinematic action nearly ten years after its release. Oh, its a pure ChristopherNolan flick through and through, with a confusing timeline and perhaps too-lofty ideas, but it is still a fun watch. Well worth a revisit, and if youve never visited it before, definitely get on that.Inceptionis available on Netflix for streaming.

5. The Cornetto Trilogy

Okay, so The Cornetto Trilogy is mostly about the end of the world, but theyrefunnymovies about the end of the world. Comedy helps in the worst of times, and these are definitely not great times.Shaun of the Deadis a zombie movie; Hot Fuzzisnt precisely a sci-fi movie, but its still a great send-up of action flicks; The Worlds Endis about a straight-up alien invasion. These films are enjoyable, but not mindless, fun.Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz are on Hulu.The Worlds Endis available for rent.


Computer, define dancing. Yes,WALL-E is partially about the idea that humans devastated Earth to such a degree that they had to go into space to live, but its also a love story between two robots. Its the perfect premise for a romance to bloom, and WALL-Eis probably the most heartwarming, escapist sci-fi movie on this list so far. It reminds us that even in dark times, love and compassion can still exist. I think thats a message we all need, especially now. WALL-Eis available for streaming on Disney+.

3. TheBack to the Futuretrilogy

Roads? Where were going, we dont need roads! Time travel + mad scientist + goofy humor = escapist sci-fi.Back to the Futureand its sequels take us on a journey through time and space, without the emotional baggage of say,Doctor WhoorAvengers: Endgame. No, these films are just pure fun, not bogged down by confusing physics or even complicated action. My personal favorite is the Western-themedBack to the Future III, which I know is not a popular opinion. But theyre all fun.Back to the FutureandBack to the Future IIare available for rent, whileBack to the Future IIIis on Netflix.

2.The Iron Giant

Okay, so Dean is all of us right now. And yes, this film makes me bawl like a baby every damn time I see it. But the idea of a giant iron sort-of man saving us all from nuclear devastation? Total escapist sci-fi. The idea that a robot can fight against his murderous programming and dedicate himself to good, even becoming Superman is a hopeful idea even in the best of times.The Iron Giantis also beautifully animated, wonderfully cast and skillfully written. Its available for rent.

Andnumber 1. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Okay, so Im a Trekkie through and through. There was no way this film, which is all about theEnterprisecrew messing with time to save a bunch of whales, was not going to end up in the top slot. This is a hilarious, escapist sci-fi gem even if youre not aStar Trekfan. Oh, there are some in-jokes you might not get, but the basic premise is easy enough to follow. Earth has no whales; they need whales. Our favorite crew travels back in time (the how is not important) to grab some spare whales. And Dr. McCoy introduces a dialysis-curing pill to the 20th century. Maybe he could introduce a Covid-19-curing pill in a prospective comic book sequel, just sayin.Star Trek IVis available on Tubi and Crackle for free, and its also available for rent.

There you go, ten movies that will give you escapist sci-fi warm fuzzies for a while, which is really all we need right now. Enjoy and keep your spirits up.


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SHUT IN THEATER: Escapist sci-fi movies for scary times - Comics Beat

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