10 TV Shows To Watch If You Love Buffy The Vampire Slayer – WhatCulture

The Scooby Gang waved goodbye to a newly cratered Sunnydale 18 years ago, leaving a giant horror/high school/fantasy/comedy/sci-fi/drama shaped hole in millions of viewers' hearts. A seminal instalment in US television history, Buffy provided a little something for everyone. It remains the ever-referenced, much-loved crown jewel in the career of recently disgraced creator Joss Whedon's. With rich character development, sharp dialogue, some of the best romances in TV history and more monsters than a bad day at the BPRD, it's any wonder it held such a death grip on our imaginations.

Prompting spin-offs, comic books and video games, people still can't get enough of this series today if All4's screening of it last year is anything to go by. Sadly, a continuation seems nigh impossible these days (unless they use that tech from the Irishman on the fanged cast members).

While rewatching all 7 seasons from start to finish is always a worthy choice, there's plenty more fish in the sea. Buffy has inspired a smorgasbord of worthwhile series in the years since everyone hung up their stakes and leather jackets.

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10 TV Shows To Watch If You Love Buffy The Vampire Slayer - WhatCulture

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