Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit) – Screen Rant

Iconic '90s show Buffy the Vampire Slayer is discussed by fans to this day. But some viewers' thoughts on the Scooby Gang are a tad unconventional.

There are a lot of things aboutBuffy the Vampire Slayerthat rub fans the wrong way, from theconfusing high school settingto some of the storylines in later seasons. While this teen show was groundbreaking, it wasn't perfect, and fans have a lot to say about what did and didn't work, from character arcs to specific episodes.

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Sarah Michelle Gellar will always be beloved for herportrayal of the teenage slayer, but that just might be the only thing that fans ofBuffyagree on. Many viewers have taken to Reddit to share some thoughts on the series that go against conventional fandom thinking.

Many fans think that Angel and Spike are Buffy's most legitimate love interests, and to suggest that Angel might not be the one for her is a unique take.

Asa fan shared on Reddit, "Angel and Buffy are the Ross and Rachel of the series: Romanticized and loved by a lot of people, but terrible as a couple." The fan added that the couple didn't seem to have a good reason for being together and that the chemistry between them seemed off.

Fans have mixed feelings about Riley. The character appears in the fourth season when Buffy starts going to college, and the two start dating.

In the same Reddit thread, some fans talked about how much they enjoyed Riley and Buffy's relationship. One fan noted that they're a good couple, and another wrote, "in season 4 they were cute, they got along well, they respected and loved each other." Another fan replied and said it was a "stable" romance. This is another unpopular opinion as viewers are meant to ship Buffy and Angel.

Another unpopular opinion aboutBuffy the Vampire Slayer?Xander and Willow aren't great characters. As a fan posted on Reddit, "Willow is a hugely selfish attention-seeker" and Xanderisn't always that nice, so this fan isnot all that thrilled about their placein the series.

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Willow's character didn't age nicely, so it makes sense to criticize her,but it's definitely rare to say something negative about both of Buffy's best friends.

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit) - Screen Rant

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