Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Why The Switch To HD Upset Joss Whedon (& Fans) – Screen Rant

Both fans and the people behind Buffy the Vampire Slayer have attacked the cheap HD remasters that have effectively ruined the show.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a beloved piece of horror television, which is why fans and crew members - including Joss Whedon - are so embarrassed by the series lazy HD remaster.

Vampires arent always popular in the horror genre, and the publics relationship with these monsters has changed a lot with the many contrasting takes on vampires over the years. Buffy the Vampire Slayer helped reinvent the creatures in an exciting way, and proved how this particular niche of horror could actually be competently done on television.

Related: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Why The Vampires Transform & Turn To Dust

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a pivotal piece of television history, and a crucial steppingstone for the careers of both Joss Whedon and the shows titular Slayer, Sarah Michelle Gellar. However, Buffy debuted in 1997; its very much a product of its decade, for both better and for worse. One major area where the show has become unfortunately dated is that it was originally produced in standard definition on a 4:3 aspect ratio. The attempts to update Buffy the Vampire Slayer for modern viewing and streaminghave irresponsibly messed around with these elements, which have since resulted in the shows modern version being an inferior product.

Its often exciting when older shows receive modern remasters; the best examples work together with the creator or production team to supervise the process. The HD remasters for Buffy the Vampire Slayer were done without any involvement from the shows team, and the results are disastrous. Furthermore, Whedon intended for the show to be viewed in 4:3, as it was shot. This is why he resisted transferring it to widescreen during the series initial DVD run. This move went against Joss Whedons instincts and wishes. This transition affected the show in numerous ways, whether its new framing that ruined shot composition that included crew equipment - and even crew members in the worst cases - or the rampant use of digital noise reduction technology that led to many brightly lit and overexposed scenes.

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Why The Switch To HD Upset Joss Whedon (& Fans) - Screen Rant

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