The 1970s Origins of Morbius, the Living Vampire – Marvel Entertainment

So, this mountain appears in L.A. and attracts the attention of a bevy of beasts that included the Man-Thing, Ghost Rider, the Werewolf, and our very own pasty-faced papa, Morbius. Seems that a big golden guy named the Starseed had returned the big hunk of rock to where aliens had snatched it from back in the prehistoric pastand he wanted to rejoin that funky little club we call the Human Race!

Sounds good, huh? Well, maybe to normal ol you and us, but Morbius and the Werewolf went all bloodlust on the bozo and it was all bets off. When Man-Thing waded into the pool, the Starseed learned what both pain and fear felt like and in the end lay dyingwith a legion of monsters around him he couldve cured of everything that ailed em if hed only been given the chance! He was a goodie after all!Ha! Suffice to say, Morbius felt fairly foolish as he trudged away to another day as a living vampire.

Not long after he made a molehill out of a mountain, Morbius once again got himself in the middle of the kind of wacky andweirdsituations that can only happen in a mighty Marvel mag. This time he fought a foe who belonged on the end of a Number Two pencil and fell in love with a damsel from another dimension with green skin!

What occurred was this: Morbius made the mistake of attacking Alicia Masters in MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE (1974) #15 and, of course, that set him on a rocky path to clash with the Thing. Felling from that fracas he winged his way to trying to suck the blood ofready for this?the Living Eraser. Yep, previously seen in TALES TO ASTONISH (1959) #49 mixing it up with Giant-Man, the crazy cut-up used his erasers to send Morbius and the Thing tobum-bum-bum...Dimension Z.

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The 1970s Origins of Morbius, the Living Vampire - Marvel Entertainment

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