The best anti hero in the Vampire Diaries universe – Somag News

Fans of The Originals may not understand the actions of an antihero. Klaus has a brother who wont give up on him, despite being rejected and tormented. These are the reasons that make Klaus an antihero without a doubt:

In flashbacks, Klaus is seen as a sensitive, artistic and caring brother. However, his father is always hard on him. This harshness becomes more brutal when the father discovers that Klaus from The Originals is not his biological son.

Klaus from The Originals has a rage that he cant control. He has to be in control. If he feels disrespected or lacks control, he misbehaves. Part of his anger comes from the fear of being abandoned.

However, Caroline calls him when she realizes that he is killing potential enemies that could harm her family. Then his rage becomes one of protection, rather than fear of abandonment in The Originals.

The entire Klaus arc in The Originals is one of redemption. He has committed horrible atrocities in the past, some for pleasure, some for pride, and some for protection. The birth of his daughter, Hope, offers her a chance at redemption.

This is not to say that it is easy. He makes a lot of mistakes, but through it all, hes trying to be better, making him an anti-hero that fans of The Vampire Diaries and The Originals universe can understand.

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The best anti hero in the Vampire Diaries universe - Somag News

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