The Heartbreaking Scene Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer That Still Makes Fans Choke Up – Looper

Buffy's self-hatred starts when she is brought back from the dead. At the end of Season 5, Buffy sacrifices herself to save the world. To close a portal to hell dimensions, she throws herself off a tower, knowing her blood will close the portal. This was for the greater good, but her friends decide they can't let her stay dead. Willow in particular is convinced that Buffy is trapped in a hell dimension.

We eventually realize this is not the case. After they go to extreme measures to bring Buffy back to life, they learn that she was in Heaven the whole time. Her friends ripped her out of the happiest place she had been in just to live in a world that is difficult and ugly. From then on, Buffy struggles with resentment toward her friends. Season 6 is largely a metaphor for depression: One symptom of this is her sexual relationship with Spike, a vampire. Determined to feel something again, Buffy and Spike start sleeping together but the relationship is violent.

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The Heartbreaking Scene Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer That Still Makes Fans Choke Up - Looper

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