‘The Lost Boys’: How Much Are the Stars of the Vampire Movie Worth Today? – Showbiz Cheat Sheet

In 1988 The Lost Boys hit theaters amid hysterical laughter and terrified screams. The teen horror-comedy blended genres and became a cult classic. Many of the stars went on to land other high-profile gigs and built massive fortunes.

When it comes to vampire-based entertainment, The Lost Boys has earned its position as a must-watch movie.

The story takes place in the sleepy beach town of Santa Carla, California. When teens Sam and Michael move there with their mom, Lucy, they bunk with their eccentric Grandpa. Although the city appears ordinary on the surface, things get very creepy very quickly for the newcomers who dont realize that undead beings roam the streets.

Lucys youngest son, Sam, connects with comic book enthusiasts and aspiring vampire hunters Edgar and Alan Frog. The brothers take their pastimes very seriously, and it results in some remarkably funny banter.

Meanwhile, Lucy also starts to make new friends, including the charming local business owner Max. They strike up a flirtation and enjoy some dates. But the joy of a budding romance is short-lived due to the pesky vampire infestation plaguing the town.

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Speaking of the supernatural citizens of Santa Carla, Michael catches the eye of a charismatic young woman named Star, who runs with a group of assumed delinquents. The ringleader of the crew is David, who spends much of the first act giving Michael the side-eye.

David and his squad are soon revealed as vampires who have their hooks in soon-to-transition Star. They target Michael as their latest recruit and slyly slip a beverage of blood to the unsuspecting adolescent. As Michael begins to exhibit strange behavior, Sam and the Frog brothers realize the truth.

Look at your reflection in the mirror, says Sam to his big bro. Youre a creature of the night, Michael, just like out of a comic book! Youre a vampire, Michael! My own brother, a god*mn, sh*t-sucking vampire. You wait till mom finds out, buddy!

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The films narrative played out in unexpected ways, hilarity and horror ensued, and The Lost Boys earned a permanent place in the hearts of vampire movie buffs. In fact, Rotten Tomatoes reports a Fresh Rating on the Tomatometer and a positive Audience Score. Whats more, the cast went on to gain remarkable fame. With that in mind, heres how The Lost Boys cast members rank today when it comes to wealth, according to Celebrity Net Worth.

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Originally posted here:
'The Lost Boys': How Much Are the Stars of the Vampire Movie Worth Today? - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

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