Things You Forgot Happened In Interview With The Vampire – Looper

You sometimes hear about how the queer subtext of Interview with the Vampire was toned down because, you know, it was 1994. And sure, a version of this movie made today would likely be more explicit. But there's a ton of sexual tension simmering between almost every major character hidden just beneath the surface when they bother to hide it at all.

Lestat turns Louis into a vampire because he finds him beautiful (actually, everybody in this movie finds Louis beautiful, presumably because it's Brad Pitt). But the two characters have about as much chemistry together as their actors do. So Lestat creates Claudia, and while they both fall in love with her, Claudia prefers Louis. Despite the fact that they refer to one another as father and daughter, they are clearly lovers, as Banderas' Armand points out. Their final moment together involves Claudia calling Louis "father" before kissing him on the mouth.

Armand and Louis later become infatuated with each other, leading Claudia to accuse Louis of cheating on her. After her death, Louis "breaks up" with Armand in a highly sensual scene that involves Louis' lips being extremely close to Armand's face. Even at the end, when Christian Slater's radio journalist asks Louis to make him a vampire, Louis responds by aggressively choking him and demands, "Do you like this?" You could write a book on the sexual metaphor that is Interview with the Vampire, regardless of its release date.

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Things You Forgot Happened In Interview With The Vampire - Looper

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