Tony Lindsay Returns to Speculative Fiction With ‘Melody Knight a Vampire’s Tale’ – PRNewswire

CHICAGO, Sept. 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --'Melody Knight a Vampire's Tale' is unique in being a spy thriller and a vampire novel. Melody's involvement in a CIA assignment exposes a $51 billion human organ market, andthe storyline climaxes when a weapon is developed that returns a vampire to being human.The reader experiences both: the life of a CIA operative and life within a vampire family.TheKnightsare presented as a blended family with all the peculiarities that accompany those unions, and it is through her experiences with her vampire family thatMelodydevelops an acceptance and respect for humanity. The novel deals with the origin of American vampires, and a mystery/thriller edge develops when murdered children, human organ farming, and CIA corporate gains are uncovered. Melody's growth from a depressed human bride (her fianc was gunned down on her wedding day) to a vampire that cares about humanity is shocking. The thriller edge of the novel keeps the reader turning pages; don't miss this one.

Atmosphere Press is dedicated to being the premier service for authors who want not just any publisher, but one who will be a true partner through the book-making process.

Tony Lindsayis the author of nine novels;One Dead Preacher, Street Possession, Chasin' It,Urban Affair,One Dead Lawyer,More Boy than Girl, One Dead Doctor, The Killing Breeze, Chess Not Checker - and five short story collections titledPieces of the Hole - Fat from Papa's Head Emotional Drippings stories of Love, Lust, and Addiction - Almost Grown and Acorns in a Skillet stories of Racecraft in America.

Release date: August 31, 2021, 200 pages

Title: 'Melody Knight a Vampire's Tale' / trade paperback

ISBN: 978-1-63988-053-9.

BISAC CODES: FIC049020 FIC024000 FIC006000 FIC031070

Media contact; Tony Lindsay[emailprotected]219-229-4410

Publisher: Atmosphere Press [emailprotected]

SOURCE Tony Lindsay

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Tony Lindsay Returns to Speculative Fiction With 'Melody Knight a Vampire's Tale' - PRNewswire

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