Which Character From The Vampire Diaries Is Your Soulmate, Based On Your Zodiac? – Screen Rant

The characters of The Vampire Diaries are all unique, but which one would be your soul mate, based on your zodiac sign?

The longer a TV show runs, the more time it usually has to introduce a rich plethora of characters, both good guys and the villains. Some of these characters quickly become favorite among the fans while others remain standing in the shadows, waiting for their opportunity to shine... or they squander it all together.

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The Vampire Diaries ran for eight seasons and even though it started its story with a focus on Elena and the two Salvatore brothers, it eventually became obvious that this world was much bigger and many other heroes wanted their time to shine.But could someone findtheir soulmate among them based on the zodiac sign?

Caroline wasn't always a nice person. When she first appeared on the show, she was jealous of Elena and overly competitive. But when she became a vampire, she gradually changed for the better.

Aries are confident and determined people who are also honest and passionate about life. Caroline's character will complement them well, since she also doesn't suffer from a lack of confidence and is very driven to achieve her goals, no matter how long it takes her.

Stefan seems like a sweet guy most of the time, but even he has a darker side. He can be overly stubborn and hold grudges for a long time if people hurt him.

Tauruses are also known for being stubborn and just like Stefan, they won't give up until they'll get what they want. Stefan's usually calmer nature would balance Tauruses and allowed them to relax after a hard day of work.

Jenna may have played a smaller part in the series, but she quickly became one of the fan-favorites thanks to her no-nonsense but still kind nature. Geminis are gentle and affectionate people who also quickly adapt to new situations and manage to overcome many difficulties.

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Jenna had to deal with a lot when she agreed to take care of Elena and Jeremy after their parents died, but they still didn't stop her from trying to do the best for the orphaned siblings.

Like mother, like daughter, and even though Caroline and her mom Liz didn't always see eye to eye, Caroline still inherited some of her best traits from her mom. Cancers are friendly and fiercely protective people who show an unusual tenacity at their jobs and are loyal to their loved ones.

Liz worked hard to keep her town safe and she tried to help even those who refused her aid or advice at first (including her own daughter).

Unlike her book counterpart, the show's Bonnie is a confident young woman who doesn't let anyone treat her badly and who also doesn't need to rely on other people in order to succeed in life. Bonnie might not always show it, but she has a warm heart and is loyal to her friends.

Leos might also look indifferent at first since they tend to cover their feelings with jokes but like Bonnie, they're the type of people who can be relied on.

One of the fewVampire Diaries characters who stayed entirely human during the show's long run is Matt Donovan. Matt always served as a support for Elena and all of his friends. Even though his influence was limited, he still tried to help them.

Matt's kindness and loyalty make him a soulmate for Virgos who shares many traits with him - including the tendency to work hard. Matt knew he would have to work hard in order to get where he wanted in life, so that's exactly what he did.

As the name itself suggests, Libras are all about balance. They're cooperative, diplomatic, and gracious people who have a strong sense of right and wrong. Even though Elijah started out as a bad guy in The Vampire Diaries, it quickly became obvious he was the kindest of all the Mikaelson siblings.

Elijah liked and respected Elena, he helped her multiple times and even wanted Klaus to spare Katherine's life in the past.

Speaking of the Original vampire family, Klaus's character traits make him a perfect soulmate for Scorpios. People born in this zodiac sign tend to be resourceful, brave, passionate, stubborn, and make for true friends.

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Klaus had to be resourceful to be able to survive for a thousand years while his dad hunted him, and as for him being passionate and stubborn, well, everybody remembers how he reacted when Katherine betrayed him and he was determined to get revenge.

People sometimes say that the opposites attract, and while that can be true, they should still have something in common. Luckily, that's the case for Damon and people born in the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittariuses tend to be generous and idealistic people with a great sense of humor.

It's a well-known fact that Damon has a wicked sense of humor, and while he's not as optimistic as Sagittarius, they would mutually bring out the best in each other - Damon would keep them grounded and in return, they would cheer him up.

This list wouldn't be complete without the main heroine of the show - Elena, who's the best possible soulmate for Capricorns. People born in this sign are responsible, disciplined, have good self-control, and excel at managing people.

Elena faced many situations in which other people would just give up, but she always tried to find a way out. And she later went on to become a doctor, which must have required a lot of discipline and self-control.

It's difficult to say how far could have Vicki made it if she didn't come across Damon who turned her into a vampire - an act that later led to her death.

However, she and Aquariuses could be a good match. Aquariuses are independent and progressive people who tend to have only a few close friends but are loyal and caring for those they do like. Vicki was just like that, she sometimes pulled herself away from others, but when the situation went south, she tried to be there for them, especially her brother.

Finally, the bond between Tyler and people born in the sign of Pisces would be definite proof that opposites sometimes work together. Pisces tend to be intuitive, gentle, and wise people who are often creative and have artistic tendencies.

At first glance, Tyler isnone of these things, but he acted kindly to his friends and his more open nature would help Pisces not to take life so seriously, while they would be able to calm him down in return.

NEXT: Which Game Of Thrones Character Is Your Soulmate, Based On Your Chinese Zodiac?

Next Game of Thrones: Which Member Of The Night's Watch Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

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Which Character From The Vampire Diaries Is Your Soulmate, Based On Your Zodiac? - Screen Rant

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Reviewed and Recommended by Erik Baquero
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