Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 5 Ways It Changed Vampire Fiction For The Better (& 5 For The Worse) – Screen Rant

Buffy The Vampire Slayerproved that a campy tone and entertaining storylines could co-exist with interesting themes and the supernatural. Whether Buffy Summers (Sarah Michelle Gellar) was hanging out with her pals in the library or fighting vampires or falling for Angel (David Boreanaz) or Spike (James Marsters), she was always a strong and well-drawn character.

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It's interesting to think about how this groundbreaking show affected the vampire genre. Here are five ways thatBuffy The Vampire Slayerchanged vampire fiction for the better, and fivenot so great things it brought to this genre.

Before Edward Cullen, there was Angel, the good vampire who Buffy couldn't help but fall deeply in love with.

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When thinking about vampires, it's easy to picture evil creatures who drink human blood since, of course, that's what they are. But thanks to Angel onBuffy The Vampire Slayer, pop culture fans have a different picture in their minds.

While Spike is an interesting character, the other evil vampires on the show are just that: evil. They have one thing on their mind and they don't exactly have backstories.

Darkness can still have some nuance, and this show still hasa focus on who is good and who is bad, like a lot of other shows or movies from this genre.

While many people swooned over Bella and Edward's romance inTwilight, it wasn't exactly an intelligent human/vampire relationship. Bella has gotten tons of criticism because she seems to be a helpless human who would do anything to stay with Edward.

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One good thing thatBuffydid for vampire fiction is portraying human/vampire romance in a complex way. Buffy didn't just fall for a nice vampire, Angel, but she was also attracted to Spike. These romances weren't easy or expected, and they were always compelling to watch.

Sometimes the demons on the show are too cheesy. They aren't always well-developed andthey blend into each other, often seeming like a group of demons with gross distorted faces that fans can't tell apart.

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The demons in theTwilightfranchise aren't any better, so this aspect of Buffydidn't really move vampire fiction forward in any meaningful way.

A problem that many people have with Bella Thorne inTwilightis how totally passive she is. She gives everything up for Edward Cullen and never thinks twice. She doesn't seem very strong or like she fights for anything.

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In contrast, Buffy is always a fighter. This teen drama did something really well: showing a human girl fighting to save her town (and humanity in general). Buffy is strong and tough and in charge, and that's awesome.

Sometimes a TV show or movie will go seriously off the rails and confuse people, and that's what happened with Dawn's storyline onBuffy The Vampire Slayers.

Viewers didn't like learning that Buffy's younger sister, played by MichelleTrachtenberg,was "The Key." This was messy and not very well explained.Sometimes vampire fiction can go off the rails and include too many other elements, like howThe Vampire Diarieshas too many supernatural beings andTrue Bloodhad fairies.

When thinking of vampires, it's easy to imagine males since those are the ones who have gotten the most screen time, fromInterview With A Vampireto a recent horror movie like 2011'sFright Night.

Buffyhad female vampires, too, and they were just as scary and just as much of a threat. That was definitely important for vampire fiction.

While vampire stories are going to keep being told and romance is always going to be a big part of these TV shows and movies, it's true that onBuffy, it seems like almost every vampire is a potential love interest for Buffy.

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While it's good that she dates Spike since he's not morally good like Angel and that creates some interesting nuance, it would have been interesting to see Buffy date a human teenage boy at the beginning of the show. This show's impact on the vampire genre seems to suggest that vampires are always legitimate love interests, and that's not necessarily true.

While Bella had to choose between continuing her human life and being with Edward on a long-term basis, Buffy doesn't make that tough decision. Buffy can still live a fairly normal life and doesn't have to choose between the two worlds.

This definitely paved the way for Elena onThe Vampire Diaries, who at least for a little while, stays human and dates the Salvatore brothers, still hanging out with her friends and being a regular teenage girl.

People always hear that vampires can't be in the sun (although Edward Cullen sparkles, but that's another story). Angel and Spike are definitely in the sun since everyone lives in Sunnydale, California, and it seems like sometimes this rule is followed and sometimes it's ignored.

This proves that no matter what vampireshow or movie someone is watching, there arecertain common rules that seem to come and go depending on the needs of the story.

NEXT:10 Best Vampires (That Aren't Dracula)

Next Which Tim Burton Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Aya Tsintziras writes about travel and pop culture. She loves coffee, barre classes, avocado, and watching TV. She lives in Toronto with her husband.

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 5 Ways It Changed Vampire Fiction For The Better (& 5 For The Worse) - Screen Rant

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