Civilization 6: How to Get the Most Out of Vampire Castles – GameRant

Civilization 6's latest expansion adds vampire castles, but the game doesn't clearly instruct players on how to utilize them to their fullest.

Civilization 6's most recent expansion, the Ethiopia pack, also added four new secret societies to the game. The Secret Societies game mode allows players to ally themselves with one of those four factions and gain special benefits as a result. One of these factions even lets the player recruit vampires and build Vampire Castles, but the game isn't clear on the best way to use these castles.

Civilization 6has a steep learning curve to begin with, and that isn't helped by the game's reliance on its civilopedia. Though most things are explained within the game's tutorial, there is a lot that players will have to read to figure out for themselves.

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The Vampire Castle is an example of this, as without looking in the civilopedia it's very unclear what it actually does. Though its main focus is serving as a respawn point for vampires, it has another use whichcan really help players out if handled properly.

Vampire Castles must be built by vampires rather than standard builders, and provide a place for slain vampires to respawn. Additionally, units on this tile are granted the fortification defense bonus, but what isn't clear is that the Vampire Castle actually doubles the resource gains of all adjacent tiles at the time that it is built.

In other words, the sum of all adjacent tiles at the time of building becomes the Vampire Castle's output.Evennatural wonders' effects are doubled, meaning players can modify the tiles next to theVampire Castlein order to further boost the castle itself. This is obviously huge, as players that place their vampire castles strategically can gain huge boons from them. They can even be built outside of the player's borders.

In order to get the most out of Vampire Castles, players will need to prepare for them. A new Vampire Castle can be built in the Medieval, Industrial, and Atomic eras, so players can use the time leading up to those eras preparing a spot for one. Players should develop the tiles around the spot where the castle will be built in order to maximize the resources it grants. Finally, in the Atomic Era, players can airlift between Vampire Castles, so they can be used as a way to move troops around more efficiently as well.

Because of all of this, Vampire Castles can be a lot more useful than they initially seem, but only if players know this information. Doubling resources that are in short supply and strategically placing castles on different landmasses to allow for convenient travel will elevate the player's game to new heights and allow them to tackle higher difficulties like Civilization 6's Deity difficulty.

Civilization 6is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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Originally posted here:
Civilization 6: How to Get the Most Out of Vampire Castles - GameRant

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