Comic Review: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Every Generation #1 – Geeks of Doom

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Every Generation #1Print | DigitalWhere All Paths LeadWritten by Nilah MagruderIllustrated by Lauren KnightColored by Alex Guimaraes

The Hilot Of 1910Written by Morgan Beem and Lauren GarciaIllustrated by Morgan Beem

The Sisters Of AngelusWritten and Illustrated by Caitlin Yarsky

Letters by Jim CampbellCovers by Mirka Andolfo, Caitlin Yarsky, Celine Loup, Kajo BaldisimoPublisher: Boom! Studios | 42 pages | full colorRelease Date: June 3, 2020

I must admit, I always enjoy stories with an origin feel to them. Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Every Generation #1 is an oversized comic with three separate, but still related, stories. As any fan of the Buffyverse knows, Slayers have come and gone for centuries. When one dies another is called. This newest release gives us a short story from the lives of three Slayers, but not all of them have happy endings. But then, that is not really news, now is it?

In Where All Paths Lead, we see Buffy journeying and fighting to close the Hellmouth before her home of Sunnydale is destroyed. For those not in the loop, the story has been rebooted and this particular storyline takes place in an alternate reality. But her world is about to be turned inside out when she meets one of her greatest foes ever. This story is not self contained and definitely left me wanting more!

The Hilot Of 1910 is without a doubt my favorite of these three stories in that it gives the reader a look at another strong Slayer, Matay, a Filipina who seems more knowledgeable and worldly than most of the previous chosen. As deaths plague her village, she attempts to battle a demon who claims to be a protector. There is a far better depth to this than many one-shot stories. I hope to see more of Matay in the future, there is so much potential in this character.

Set in 1947 Dublin, the final story entitled, The Sisters Of Angelus, shows the more human side of a former Slayer, Una. Intent on helping a friend, she discovers that the situation is far more dire than she expected. But in typical Slayer fashion, she engages with the intent of saving others. But it is the last page that has the biggest impact, showcasing the feelings of a girl who knows that her time is limited and that regardless of her skills, she may well die sooner rather than later. This final panel epitomizes what a Slayer goes through and must endure daily.

This release gives the reader a better look into the past Slayers and the lives they led but also allows for correlation and a glimpse at the symmetry that so many show. I would definitely recommend this to fans and newbies alike. There is so much good here and almost nothing to criticize. In essence, gimme more!

Thanks for reading and I hope you are all staying safe as we navigate through this COVID-19 world that we now live in. This is my first article in quite some time and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it.

The SECRET ORIGINS of some of the most important Slayers in history ? and the First Appearance of a new character with a familiar face who will change the way you look at Buffy and everything about her world. ? This is the Buffy comic that everyone will be talking about and the most important new character in over twenty years!

Comic Review: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Every Generation #1 - Geeks of Doom

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