How to Deal With Psychic Vampires: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

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Three Parts:Identifying A Psychic VampireShutting Out Psychic VampiresWorking on YourselfCommunity Q&A

Psychic vampires, also known as energy vampires, are emotionally immature individuals who drain the time and energy from those around them. They are usually highly self-interested and lack empathy. The relationships they form are largely self serving. You can deal with psychic vampires by identifying psychic vampires in your life, setting firm boundaries with these people, and working on your own sense of self esteem and self worth.











How can I tell if someone is a psychic vampire?

wikiHow Contributor

You feel drained around them. They are needy and they take up much of your energy. Often, those are people who use your goodwill to gain benefits for themselves. Telltale signs are that they are usually pathetic, aggressive, needy, drama queens and nice when they need something. Also, they complain, force you to listen to them, refuse advice for self-improvement, etc. You just feel bad around them.

What if you want to marry the vampire, and it wants to marry you?

wikiHow Contributor

The very fact that you want to marry this person reveals that you're hooked on the drama-drain cycle a psychic vampire is so adept at. Part 2, Step 3 suggests that you stay away from such persons, for your own well-being. However, if you insist that you want to spend your life with a person who drags you into the abyss of emotional wreckage, then you need to know the tools for coping. Seek counseling and set boundaries immediately. You set the boundaries in the your life, so your beloved psychic vampire needs to know clearly where you draw the line. P.S. Think of the kids -- that might change your mind.

How can I stop being a psychic vampire?

wikiHow Contributor

Work on your empathy. Always take into account how others are feeling/how you would be feeling if their position. Don't ask for someone's help, resources, etc. if it's something you can take care of yourself. Before you speak or act, think about how your words or actions will affect others.

Is there any way for a psychic vampire to change?

wikiHow Contributor

Yes, but like anyone else they must want to change Not all psychics are bad; some are very helpful. Most psychic vampires have people who willingly allow they to feed off of their energy.

My mother is the psychic vampire who drains me and parcels the energy out to the rest of our family. I've confronted her many times. What else can I do?

wikiHow Contributor

Make it difficult for her to drain your energy. Avoid her, surround yourself with an aura of white, protective light, and spend a great deal of time outside.

How can I handle the human side?

wikiHow Contributor

Show them that you care for them a lot and that you trust them. They will appreciate that. If they keep draining your energy, leave them be, as your own well-being won't be preserved.

How can I further protect myself from psychic attacks without arousing their anger and resentment?

wikiHow Contributor

This takes time to learn. You have to be able to put up a wall around your emotions. If you know them personally, tell them that you don't feel comfortable with them feeding off of you. Most will respect your wishes and not feed off of you.

How do they feed?

wikiHow Contributor

Psychic vampires drain positive energy merely by interacting with you, through your heart, mind and chakras. The vampire is exceptional at controlling the conversation and its mood, dragging you deeper into a depressed emotional state while they thrive in your despair.

Should I leave my spouse of 24 years after figuring out that he/she is a psychic vampire?

How can I set boundaries with my boss who I believe is a psychic vampire?

wikiHow Contributor

Tell him you think so, and say, "I think we need to set fair boundaries for both of us if we're to be working partners. Do you have any ideas?" Keep track of inappropriate behavior and contact your HR department if the situation isn't resolved after you talk to him about it.

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How to Deal With Psychic Vampires: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

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Reviewed and Recommended by Erik Baquero
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