Legacies Is Doing a Vampire Diaries Musical and You Must See the Pics – E! Online

Sometimes Legaciesknows just what to do tolift our spirits.

The Vampire Diariesand Originals spinoff is delving into some of its history in an upcoming episode with "Salvatore: The Musical!," a musical retelling of one of TV's wildest love triangles/love squares.

This is actually hilarious because it confirms that Damon (Ian Somerhalder), Elena (Nina Dobrev), Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Caroline's (Candice King) romance drama is legendary bothin our worldand in the actual world of the show. Do they argue with each other over Team Stelena and Team Delena? We must know!

Here's the episode description, courtesy of The CW:

"The students prepare to put on a musical about the founding of the Salvatore School at the behest of their mysterious new guidance counselor. Meanwhile, as Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) throws himself into writing the musical and Lizzie (Jenny Boyd), Josie (Kaylee Bryant), Kaleb (Chris Lee) and Jed (Ben Levin) dive into their roles, Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) distances herself from the musical."

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Legacies Is Doing a Vampire Diaries Musical and You Must See the Pics - E! Online

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