The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967) – IMDb

Now this is the movie that i have watched when i was twelve years old, and made me fall head over heels in love with the horror-genre. Today, it may look outdated (wich of course is the truth), but in my opinion it still is the best vampire movie ever created. If you should take the effort of watching this entire picture, you will come to the conclusion that Polanski has made a masterpiece. Special notes should be taken for the musical score. Such a clich, but unmissable for this picture. This is a classic horror movie with a perfect, ambient atmosphere that suites the movie perfectly! Today, the teenagers are growing up with vampire movies like blade and underworld. But these are not to be called horror movies. There is little or no atmosphere, just pocket fillers for the movie makers. For classic and Gothic atmosphere, you cannot do any better then "The fearless vampire killers" For those of you who have become curious: enjoy!!

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The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967) - IMDb

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