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New Years Day seems the perfect time to stop and reflect upon the books that were read and reviewed in 2011 and pick out some of my top favourites. 2011 proved to be a great year for urban fantasy (UF) with the launch of some notable new series. Kevin Hearnes Iron Druid Chronicles benefited from a swift release schedule for the first 3 books and is probably this years strongest UF debut. The UK urban fantasy scene was well represented with Ben Aaronovitchs stellar Peter Grant books, featuring a young police constable, magic and murder on the streets of London. Established fantasy author Cherie Priest (perhaps best known for her Steampunk novels) turned her hand to UF and gave the world Cheshire Red an OCD vampire who is also a skilled thief and investigator.

Paranormal romance was well catered for by the genres bestselling heavy weights, but the offerings of Kresley Cole (Dreams of a Dark Warrior) and Nalini Singh (Archangels Blade) really stand out from that crowded field. Still there was room for new comers and I highly enjoyed Carol Goodmans first foray into dark gothic romance with Incubus and Dani Harpers quirky shapeshifter romance, Changeling Dream (even if it didn't have any vampires in it!)

And readers looking for main stream vampire action need look no further thanChristopher Farnsworths thrilling novel The Presidents Vampire this one is a keeper!

New to me in 2011, but technically not new in 2011 is the reprint of Anno Dracula by Kim Newman. This literary monster mash-up is required reading for vampire fans. Twilight Forever Rising by Lena Meydan was technically published in English in 2010 (its been a Russian bestseller since 2005) although I didnt catch up with it until early 2011 but Im not excluding this book on a mere technicality! It is an undiscovered UF gem that deserves much wider recognition that it has received I cant recommend it highly enough.

New releases Im looking forward to in 2012: well, I just cant get enough of Kresley Coles Immortals After Dark romances, so Lothaire (10th January 2012) is at the top of my cancel-all-plans-to read-this book list. Im also itching to get my hot little hands on Lover Reborn by J.R. Ward (27th March 2012) since I'm still addicted and cant wait to get my next BDB fix Amanda, LoveVampires Editor

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