Which Character From The Vampire Diaries Is Your Soulmate, Based On Your MBTI? – Screen Rant

The Vampire Diaries featured a wide variety of characters and personality types. Which one is your soulmate based on your MBTI?

With so many characters in The Vampire Diaries, heroes and villains alike, it makes sense that each of them is a bit different than the next one. After all, if all the heroes had exactly the same character, the show wouldn't be fun to watch. Since The Vampire Diaries ran for eight seasons, it had plenty of time to make the characters undergo a transformation.

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Sometimes this was more obvious, sometimes less, and it could have been for better or for worse. No matter what the case was, there are some characters who would be the perfect soulmates for several MBTI personality types.

ESFP people, also known as 'The Performers' often tend to be spontaneous, resourceful, and outgoing. They love to be the center of everyone's attention and entertain others.

Caroline always basked in the attention of others and she was at her happiest when she won the Miss Mystic Falls contest. At the same time, though, she's also resourceful in her effort to get what she wants, no matter how long it takes her.

Even though Caroline and Bonnie were great friends in the show, their personalities are quite different. Bonnie was more introverted and down to earth than Caroline. That's one of the reasons why she's the perfect soulmate for the INFP type.

This personality tends to have high values, is idealistic, and interested in understanding who they are, how they fit into the world, and whether they could make it a better place. That all fits Bonnie who struggled with grasping her new identity as a witch and later had to fight against evil in order to protect her loved ones.

Jeremy later disappeared from the show but before he did, he was an important part of it. INFJ might be introverted but they're not the type of people who would like to sit around in a corner.

Instead, they prefer to take action and fight hard to improve the world since they're often idealistic and have high moral standards. Jeremy was also like this and he went on to become a vampire hunter since he knew he could improve the world this way.

ISTP personality type ('The Crafter') shares many character traits with Stefan. People with this personality type enjoy spending time alone, are mostly independent, and love trying out new things. Stefan is no party animal unless one counts the period of his life when his emotions were switched off and he was roaming the clubs with Klaus.

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Stefan likes his friends but at the end of the day, he's just as happy being on his own, lost in his thoughts. After all, he didn't even want to celebrate his birthday until Lexi came and persuaded him to do it, to name just one example.

ISFP personality type is quiet, easy-going, and peaceful. The people with this personality type also care about others and are considerate of them. They prefer acting before dreaming. Damon might seem more extroverted but he was at his happiest when he was with Elena, Stefan, or any of his friends and he didn't need too many people.

He wasn't as peaceful at first but eventually settled down and lived a happy life with Elena. It's also true he's easy-going, Damon has the ability to charm people and he can make friends easily.

If anybody needs something organized, they should ask this personality type for help. ESFJs are assertive people who tend to make sure that things go as smoothly as possible. They can sometimes seem stubborn and unwilling to compromise. But their natural self-confidence helps them succeed in life and they also speak out their minds, even if that makes them look rude occasionally.

Tyler is good at leading people and he was one of the most confident characters in the show but he sometimes paid little mind to the opinions or feelings of others which made it difficult to get along with him. His partnership with ESFJs would be full of charge but they would motivate each other to become better, to achieve more.

The name 'The Commander' for this personality type speaks for itself. People with this personality type don't lack confidence, are assertive, and outspoken. They have strong verbal skills, like to think about the future, are highly rational, and good at solving problems.

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Katherine is one of the most confident characters on the show, and whatever she thinks, she also says... as long as it fits into her scheme, cause this vampire always thinks about her future and how she could do better than she does now.

Of all the personality types, this one is most people-oriented. ENFJs are able to easily build relationships with others, regardless of whether they're extroverted or introverted.

They have a strong system of values and like helping others whenever they can. Alaric built his whole profession - teaching - about helping others, and he continued in this when he hunted evil vampires. Plus, he was able to befriend Damon which isn't that easy, considering Damon's occasional violent outbursts.

Another name for this personality type, 'The Protector', already hints at what will people with this personality be like. ISFjs tend to be somewhat reserved, warm-hearted, and responsible individuals. They're observant and therefore good at remembering details about other people.

Matt always worked hard to achieve something in his life and he was kind to his friends, helped them whenever they needed it. And as for the little details, well he knew a lot about Elena and was able to share the information with Katherine when she compelled him to do so.

Introverted and observant by nature, INTJs is one of the rarest personality types. People with this personality type tend to be highly analytical, logical, and creative. They prefer for their world to feel controlled and in order, they don't like it when they feel like things have gotten out of their hands.

It wouldn't be too much of an understatement to say that Klaus thrives on having control since he daggers his siblings every time they disobey him. His intelligence and analytical thinking helped him survive over a thousand years but he also has a creative side he expresses by painting.

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Which Character From The Vampire Diaries Is Your Soulmate, Based On Your MBTI? - Screen Rant

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Reviewed and Recommended by Erik Baquero
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