Joivan Wade Talks About Doom Patrol’s Cyborg, Being A Zombie, And His Doctor Who Inspiration – Exclusive Interview – Looper

You got to be a zombie this season. How was that?

[grunts like a zombie]

Good answer. Excellent. Well spoken.

It was definitely my top two episodes of the season. I loved the zombie episode. It wasn't just being a zombie. It was the fact that I am Vic and Cyborg, and on top of that, layering that with being the Cyborg Vic version of a zombie. And we all had our own different zombies. We even had a conversation before we went to set. We're just like, okay, all of our zombies are going to be like us and be slightly different. What's your role going to be like? What's your stance going to be like? What's your whole energy? And we're talking about these things and we're working out exactly what zombie is going to be what.

One of the biggest things that I connected with was just, I found that episode so funny, like the subtitles, when we're saying what we're saying and we're seeing what we're seeing on the page, and we're learning these lines and we know what we're saying, but then we're transforming that into just physicality or some kind of grunt or zombie sound. It all came together so beautifully.

That episode was maybe my favorite episode of the season bar of a couple of others because it was so weird, so wacky, so different. I just remember being on set and then the producers coming up to us and being like, yo, we watched episode four. That gave us a real boost and we was like, okay, cool, yeah, zombie for the win.

That episode included some very weird stuff, including the return of the were-butts and even a zombie were-butt. Was that the weirdest thing this season?

Oh, yeah. It's got to be the butts. It has to be the butts. There wasn't anything that was more wacky than the butts because we've experienced the butts in Season 1, but this time how the butts were represented, [Darren Jones] pulls down his pants and the butt just cut. It was just magical. And obviously, when we're on set and we're seeing it in real time, we don't get the joy of seeing the actual butt. So seeing it on screen, we knew it was going to look like some crazy s***, but we didn't know it was going to look like this. This is wild.

The butts was the wackiest. Also, it was great to be able to band together and fight the butts. That was a real kind of "Doom Patrol" superhero team moment that brought us together and fighting these weird and wacky things. It just made me feel like, more of this, please, more of us banded together and actually fighting some ... I was going to say, it's fighting crime because that's the usual, but no, fighting butts, fighting whatever the hell it's going to be. There wasn't anything more wacky or wild than that. That was the wackiest part.

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Joivan Wade Talks About Doom Patrol's Cyborg, Being A Zombie, And His Doctor Who Inspiration - Exclusive Interview - Looper

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