The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics And Zombie Army 4: Dead War Are Out Today – Forbes

Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics and Zombie Army 4 headlines this week's video game releases.

Some cool games are dropping this week, though Im probably most excited about a new turn-based tactical game about one of my favorite TV shows of 2019.

The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics is one of those games you never thought youd ever play. I mean, The Dark Crystal came out nearly 40 years ago in 1982 and then we didnt really see much of anything Dark Crystal related until last year when Netflix released the amazing live-action prequel series.

That show made my Best TV Shows Of 2019 list and now we get to play the video game spin-off which releases today. Better still, the game launches on Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC and Mac, meaning just about everyone can play it. (No mobile version yet but I wouldnt be surprised to see one down the line).

We also get Zombie Army 4: Dead War today. Its a new entry in the co-op zombie-shooter from indie British studio Rebellion. The game is an alternate-history WWII with zombies for 1 to 4 players and looks like heaps of fun. Maybe not the most original concept, but if you like third-person shooters that you can play with friends and enjoy killing Nazi zombies it might be right up your alley.

Zombie Army 4: Dead War launches on PS4, Xbox One and PC. While you can get The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics on Steam, Zombie Army 4 is an Epic Game Store exclusive.

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The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics And Zombie Army 4: Dead War Are Out Today - Forbes

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