Zombie Hitler reanimates in Dead Snow 3 – SYFY WIRE (blog)

I have long said that Nazis are the perfect movie villain (or real-life villain) because they are universally evil.Zombies are one of the perfect movie monsters: They are gross, they are violent, and (with a few minor exceptions that don't really count in my book), zombies don't speak, so there is no worry of them charming you to their side.

So you mix zombies and Nazis and you have the perfect cinematic villain. This is what makesDead Snow such a successful movie franchise. It's a movie about Nazis that are resurrected into zombies. What more do you need to know to enjoy the film? Nothing, really, but more knowledge doesn't hurt:

Expect to see zombie Hitler inDead Snow 3.

EW recently spoke to Tommy Wirkola, the writer/director ofDead Snow andDead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead,who promised a thirdDead Snow would be made, at some point:

Weve got to finish the trilogy, so Im very excited about that. Weve got to finish what we started, all of us! We have some ideas. I think its natural to maybe put some of the story in South America, where a lot of the Nazis fled, of course. Weve got to top what weve done before, we have to bring back Hitler as well. Zombie-Hitler. That just feels natural.

The Norwegian filmmaker warns that it will probably be "a few years" beforeDead Snow 3is made. According to his IMDb page, Wirkola is in development on an action film calledWar Pigs and a sci-fi comedy calledAfterburn.

If you are looking for more Nazi zombie fun,Dead Snow wasn't the first to tackle this sub-sub genre. Just check out Ken Weiderhorn's 1977 cult classicShock Waves in the meantime.

Read more from the original source:
Zombie Hitler reanimates in Dead Snow 3 - SYFY WIRE (blog)

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