Zombies World Championship Three Brings Competitive Zombies Back to the Stage – The Game Haus

Zombies World Championship (ZWC) is back with its third installment. After a two year break, the zombie killing starts on June 25 at the HyperX Esports Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. Many zombies influencers such as Tim Hansen and GregFPS will be attending and competing in challenges in Black Ops III, Black Ops 4, and Cold War. The players are competing for their chance to win $10,000.

The event aims to bring the best zombies players to one competition to battle it out in front of fans. Starting in 2017, ZWC has brought many content creators and fans together to enjoy competitive zombies.

Competitive Call of Duty is not new, but bringing zombies into the mix brings fans and creators alike to watch players compete for prize money. This year, players who buy the pass can bring their console and copy of Black Ops III to play in Zombies LAN, and those on PC can download the game on the provided computers. Along with the three-day Zombies LAN competition, there is a Zombies World Invitational show, a zombies community party and the ZWC 3 Finals.

Each year, ZWC invites a select number of zombie content creators. Some content creators in past events were TheSmithPlays, MrTLexify, MrRoflWaffles and many more. This year, there are some newcomers to the content creators, such as Tim Hansen. After being a viewer at ZWC2, he is attending as a content creator Hansen says.

Ive been to the second one. I was a viewer spectating the event, Hansen says. This time around ya boy is going to be competing in the main event as one of the main competitors and one of the main content creators that is being highlighted.

Other newcomers to the content creators are Krazyrabb1t, Tim Malcom, and JohnyJ25. Some of these content creators will face off against the Zombies Online Tournament challenge winners on Sunday, June 27 at 1PM PST.

Challenges are a core part of ZWC. The players have to play through a much harder set of rules in order to test their zombies abilities to the limit. One of the more popular kind of challenges is a speedrun. A speedrun is where players try to complete an Easter Egg or reach a certain round in the fastest time possible. The Online Tournament consisted of several speedruns, and Zombies LAN takes a new twist on speedrunning.

For the Zombies LAN challenges, players have a time limit of 25 minutes to get to the highest round. Each day, there is a new map to speedrun, starting with Zetsubou no Shima on Friday, Origins on Saturday, and The Giant on Sunday. The other challenge in Zombies LAN is the first room challenge. Players attempt to reach the highest round while staying in the first room. They are limited to their starting weapon and wall weapons inside the room. The maps featured are Ascension on Friday, Shangri-La on Saturday, and Revelations on Sunday.

For the Zombies World Invitational, there will be challenges the content creators are competing on. Some challenges are the No Mans Land challenge on Moon and the Der Eisendrache Easter Egg with Classic Gobblegums. These challenges will be in the ZWI show today at 1PM PST

The Zombies World Invitational is back after its absence from ZWC 2. Small content creators create a video and compete in challenges to try to win a chance to compete at ZWC. This year, YouTubers Kingman and TheLegendHD won their spot in ZWC after being voted on by the community.

Competing for a spot on ZWC is more difficult than the Online Tournament challenges. The Online Tournament requires players to compete and reach first place in a challenge to compete in Las Vegas. On the other hand, Zombies World Invitational players must prove they are both an entertaining content creator and a good zombies player. Instead of having multiple challenges to play, the contestants only had one challenge, The Giant First Room challenge. Kingman placed first by reaching round 30, which may have helped him get chosen in the final decision.

The other content creator, TheLegendHD, showed he was entertaining in his submission video with his high energy and amusing editing. The small YouTuber was in shock after finding out he won says TheLegendHD.

I have actually made it to ZWC. I won the ZWI, I was one of the two, says TheLegendHD. Its as big as a shock to me as it is to you guys. I did not think I would win.

These two creators will be featured along with the rest of the content creators in the Zombies World Invitational show today at 1PM PST.

Image Courtesy of Zombies World Championship

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Zombies World Championship Three Brings Competitive Zombies Back to the Stage - The Game Haus

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