Zombies World Championship Three Wraps Up Zombie Filled Weekend – The Game Haus

Zombies World Championship Three ended yesterday with Online Tournament winner GannonSnipes winning first place in the finals with 74 points. The event also saw Reed RadAustin27 Austin and Turbo from Turbo Comedy having their final sendoffs from the zombies community. Although the event is a success, some PC players encountered an issue of someone booting them from their match.

Yesterday, the player known as GannonSnipes won Zombies World Championship Three and the grand prize of $10,000. He competed remotely this year in order to participate in the event. Shangri-La high round winner Reviverz came in second place followed by ZWI Winner Kingman in third place.

GannonSnipes qualified for ZWC through the Firebase Z Round 25 Exfil speedrun. He completed his run two minutes faster than the second-place player with a time of 24:50. On Saturday, team captain Abdullah ZombieDawg selected GannonSnipes to his team due to them being friends and knowing he can bring it to the finals.

GannonSnipes took charge early on Sunday with the Die Maschine Easter Egg Speedrun. He completed the Easter Egg in 23:10 with Kooky on his tail finishing second with 24:18. After that run, GannonSnipes barely won the Verruckt Round 30 Speedrun with a time of 30:28. Reviverz trailed by two seconds and took second place with a 30:30. GannonSnipes did not win the Moon No Mans Land challenge after Revivers took the first-place spot with a score of 377 kills.

After being down three points, Reviverz caught up to GannonSnipes and tied him at 59 points heading into the final challenge of a Firebase Z High Round. GannonSnipes came out with the win after beating Kingman in kills as they both ended on the same round, leading GannonSnipes to be crowned the winner of Zombies World Championship Three.

Two icons in the zombies community say their farewells as Zombies World Championship Three comes to a close. Reed Austin and Turbo decided this event would be their last as they move on to new chapters in their lives. Austin was a zombies YouTuber and co-hosted the Zombroz podcast with JohnnyJ25. He was also the first in the world to complete the Der Eisendrache Easter Egg. Austin announced yesterday at the end of the event as well on twitter that the event is his farewell.

Thank you for all the kind words and all the accolades. Im happy my stuff could do anything and have any impact on people, especially a positive one over the years, Austin said in an interview with Turbo. I think its been an absolutely lovely adventure to be with all you people.

Currently, Austin is discussing narrative topics in video games and media, along with running his online store with art and posters.

Turbo used his sideline commentator position at Zombies World Championship Three to also announce his moving on from zombies. He first announced his departure in December 2020 on a video with fellow YouTuber Tim Hansen to pursue comedy. However, he asked the organizers of the event to find a role for him to have a proper send off.

Similar to Reed, Im also moving on from zombies. Im doing standup and this was my best sendoff. Im honestly so happy, Turbo said at the end of the event. I told Jose and Matt, if you could find a role for me I can come back to zombies for to amek me have a sendoff, Im doing it. This was the best way to bring me on to my next chapter.

Image Courtesy of Zombies World Championship

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Zombies World Championship Three Wraps Up Zombie Filled Weekend - The Game Haus

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